Talk It Out

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As I looked outside the window, I could see the snow stacking on the ground, brightening the dark night. "It looks like your parents are going to be here for a while."

I turned to see calix, sporting an annoyed look on his face. "Yeah, Im sorry, thanks for letting them stay though. I know they rubbed you the wrong way, but give them a chance. Who knows, they might surprise you. Keep in mind, they didn't know what happened to me until recently. They thought I was like, murdered, or sold into sex trafficking or something, so be nice okay?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. He rested his head on my shoulder, grazing his lips against my neck. "It's alright, I'd have to meet them sooner or later. I just hate that they're coming with such a bad attitude, treating me like shit."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around him, feeling pleasure radiate throughout my body as his hands wandered my back, slowly moving to my behind. "Im know, I'll talk to them my love."

I could feel a smile gracing his lips as they touched my neck. "I love it when you call me that." I let out a soft laugh against him. "Well I love you."

He loosened his grip on me and placed his forehead against mine, slowly bringing his lips to mine. Right before our lips touched, we heard a throat clear, bringing us out of our little world. He pulled away, revealing my mom staring at us with arms crossed.

I could hear Calix mumble a small, "are you fucking kidding me..." causing me to let out a small laugh as I smacked his arm. "Yes mother? Is there something you need?"

"Yes, we would like to be shown our rooms." I let out a small smile and pulled away from Calix, receiving a small grumble from him in return. "I'll show you to your rooms, Calix will help you too bring up your bags, won't you baby?"

He rolled his eyes, nodding his head reluctantly. He started heading for the kitchen to grab their bags as I headed to the guest room. I felt a small tug on my arm, just as I was about to reach the stairs. I stopped in my tracks, feeling Calix's lips next to my ear.

"You owe me, that's all I have to say." He let go of me and I looked back to see him walking back to the kitchen, holding a small smirk on his face. I shook my head and let out a small giggle as I watched him.

I continued upstairs, my parents and Calix trailing behind me. We finally reached their room. "Well, this is it guys! I hope you find everything to your liking!" I sound like a hotel manager. Yikes.

They all walked in, checking out the room. "This will suffice. Thank you." I gave them a small smile and nod as I watched them look around the room. Calix set everything down and walked over to me. He stood next to me until my parents went to check out the bathroom, and then moved to the front of me.

He slowly reached up to my face, taking my chin In his hand. He looked at me with his intense green eyes, leaving me feeling vulnerable in front of him. "I meant what I said, and I'm not going easy on you either."

He sent me one of his infamous smirks, and bent down, biting my ear and sending shockwaves through my body.

He took my face In his hands and planted a tender kiss against my lips. I moved my lips against his, deepening the kiss and getting lost in the moment, when suddenly he pulled away.

"Ah ah ah! Keep that same energy later." I gave him a look of disbelief as he removed his hands from me and walked away.

I sat down, waiting for my parents to come out. We had a lot to talk about, and that hostile conversation in the kitchen didn't cover it.

They came in, giving me a questioning look. "Hey guys, can we just talk and clear the air?" They walked over to my, sitting on either side of me.

"So I know that I worried you guys quite a bit when I disappeared, and I'm truly sorry, but I just..." I racked my brain, thinking of a lie to tell them. It'd be a cold day in hell before I told my parents my boyfriend was actually my kidnapper.

"I couldn't take it in Arizona anymore. You need to understand that James truly broke my heart when I found him with Amelia, and I couldn't take being there. Everything would remind me of him and my heart would break all over again, especially because everyone around me was practically forcing me to get back together with him, so I quit my job and left. It was risky, but my next door neighbor at the time was Calix and he said that I could stay with him in New York, and we hit it off from there."

I could see my mom shaking her head from the corner of my eye. "Eleanor, I am so... disappointed in you. I thought I raised a bright young woman, but apparently not. Now you're living with some hoodlum you don't know, unwed and jobless. You could've just went back with James! He loves you! He just had a momentary slip up!" I jumped up from the bed, clenching my fists.

I tried to take a deep breath to calm down, but I couldn't stop the look of disbelief from forming on my face. "Mother are you serious right now? Do you realize how sick that is of you to say?"

"Your mother is right Eleanor, men have slip ups all the time! Even that white man you've been sleeping with, so don't act all high and mighty like you've upgraded. Just because he's white doesn't mean that he doesn't cheat Eleanor."

I looked at my father shocked, and 3 seconds away from snapping. "Look, cut it out. This isn't about the fact that he's white. I want someone who loves me enough to have their eyes on me and only me, and I found that person in Calix, and I don't appreciate you two disrespecting him, especially when he was kind enough to let you in our house. I'm not breaking up with him, ever. He is the man that I'm going to marry, and as I've mentioned before, James is dead to me. All of my feelings for him are long gone. He makes me genuinely happy, and if you can't accept that then you don't need to be here, because im staying with him whether you like it or not. I love you two, but this is my life, not yours. I don't care if you love James, I don't, not anymore. If you love him so much, then you two can marry him but as for me, Calix is my soulmate. I'll love him in this life and the next, and if you two truly love me, you'll accept that and be happy for me."

They stared at me in shock, with their mouths open wide. I turned around and headed for my room, feeling relieved, like a weights been lifted off of my shoulder.

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