Coming to light

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Calix's POV

Thoughts of Eleanor constantly flooded my mind. I was losing my edge and becoming soft. She made me feel more human. She made me want to change, but I couldn't. If I were to evolve into a better person, I'd die. My world is too cruel to become soft.

"Calix, if you miss her so much why don't you check the cameras?" My face lit up at the thought of seeing her. My phone had gotten shot a few days into my trip, so I wasn't able to contact her. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that!" I went into the office and got on the computer.

I started looking at the footage from a couple days ago. I saw her walking out of the house, with a duffel bag in her hand. When did this happen? I continued watching the footage to see her come back to the house, getting out of a mans car. Who the fuck is that? "Otto! Come look at this... who the fuck is that?"

"That's Edward. He's Vitaly's pocket cop." I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. "His pocket cop huh? Somethings not fucking right. Book a flight to New York now. I want to be home by tomorrow."

"Yes boss." I continued watching the footage and got to the one of yesterday morning. I saw that same damn Edward guy at our front door, only this time he looked angry and stomped off.

Something is going on and I'm going to find out.

I got out of the car and opened the door to the mansion. I heard the tv playing and walked into the living room to see Eleanor and Aries on the couch, cuddling together. Under normal circumstances It would've warmed my heart, but at the moment it was far from normal circumstances.

She looked up from the tv and saw me standing in the corridor. Jumping up from the couch, she ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me. "Calix! I missed you so much!"

I kept my hands to my side as she hugged me, smiling against my chest. She looked up and frowned, letting go of me and stepping back. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Who is Edward." My voice came out cold and demanding as I spoke to her. Her eyes widened and worry engraved itself on her face. "Well actually Calix i wanted to talk to you about tha-"

"Who the Fuck is Edward, Eleanor." Fear made its way to her eyes as she fidgeted with her fingers. "Calix can we sit down and talk about this?"

"Tell me right fucking now!" My deep voice boomed throughout the house, making her flinch. Getting more angry and impatient by the second, I snatched her arm and violently dragged her to the basement, throwing her on the metal chair. The basement was the area where I killed and tortured my enemies.

Would she be the next enemy of mine? The next person to betray my trust? The first person to take my love for granted and break my heart?

"He's nobody! Before I told you that I loved y-" tired of her rambling I yelled "then why the fuck is he coming to our house and dropping you off!" Her eyes went wide once more, as she trembled in her seat.

"Please let me explain" her voice came out soft and shaky. I clenched my fists and took a deep breathe, trying to settle down. "As you might remember I kissed him at that old guys birthday party, but it didn't mean anything! I was just mad and jealous because he told me that the week you were gone and busy with work you were actually spending time with Rachel and-"

"What? Rachel? That blonde bitch?" She nodded her head and continued. "He said you were busy spending time with her and I got really mad and jealous and I wanted to make you mad so I kissed him and you got mad but then I felt really guilty because I thought you hated me and I decided to run away" she said quickly rambling, "that's when Edward found me and picked me up, he asked me if I ran away because I found out that you slept with Rachel after the party. He said that to get you back I should, Well I should..."

It couldn't be... Don't tell me it's what I think it is...

"You should what? fucking rat me out?" She nodded her head and bit her lip nervously as tears brimmed her eyes. "You listened to some random guy telling you that I was fucking around with another girl! The night of the party was the only time I actually even spoke to Rachel you dumb bitch!"

Her lip started quivering as she tried to speak. "Calix it's not like it would be weird for you to spend time with other girls! Of course I believed him! I'd believe anyone over some sex maniac who kidnapped me and flirted with almost every girl he saw! Not only that but he showed me pictures of what happened after the party so don't play innocent you asshole!"

My body was shaking with anger. I wanted to hurt her but I couldn't bring myself to. I loved her too much, even after she told me that she planned on snitching.

"Calix, Im sorry! I destroyed the evidence and when he came by yesterday i told him that I wasn't going to rat you out! I told him that I love you too much to betray you so please Calix... please don't hate me."

I felt a deep pain in my heart. A pain that made me want to fall down and sob like a child. I was so angry and hurt that I didn't know what to do. I walked to my torture tools and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. I handcuffed both of her arms to the chair, immobilizing her. "Whatever you do to me I can take it! I don't care if you beat me or even kill me but please Calix, don't hate me. I'd rather die than for you to hate me."

I took a deep and shaky breathe and turned around, heading for the stairs. Before I got on the first step, I turned around to face her. "Eleanor, you are the first woman I have ever loved, and ever will love. You're also the first woman who has ever hurt me so much."

"Calix! I love you so much! I'm sorry! I'll do anything to prove my love and loyalty to you! Anything! Just please give me the chance!" She yelled up to me as I walked off.

I headed up the stairs ignoring her cries for me. I looked into the living room to see Otto waiting for me on the couch. "Deal with her, I can't even look at her right now. Im thinking about selling her to our friends down south."

He nodded and got up, heading downstairs to do his job.
Thank you Guys for voting and commenting! I love reading your comments!!! All your support means the world! Also I have other books up so check them out, who knows you might like em!
And sorry if this chapter was like crappy I might be over analyzing it but idk I never think my writing is super good but it's still really fun writing so I just keep on aksksks whew Chile

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