Rude Awakening

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Calix POV
"Calix, please sit." Vitaly gestured me towards the chair in front of his desk. I sat down as he walked to the other side of the desk, and sat down in his comfortable black chair.

"So Im sure you're aware of my relationship with the Mconnels..." I nodded, signaling him to continue. "Well then undoubtedly you know that I can't have you wiping them all out. They make me quite a bit of money and I can't have you taking them out on a whim."

"Well of course that would be reckless." He smiled at me, showing off his wrinkled skin. "I'd never take them out on some ridiculous whim, I am a business man as well, I'm not just some street thug with steroids for brains. I wiped them out because they were interfering in my business." The old mans smile turned into one of a frown. "So in other words, you won't stop until you wipe them out completely."

I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster up. "Now you're getting it. I'm going back to the party." I got up and headed for the door, and was stopped by Vitaly's words. "Calix, your stubbornness will be your own downfall."

I turned around and gave him a polite smile. "That might be so, but your arrogance will be your downfall. I'm sure you know what they say, the bigger they are..." Turning back around and opening the door, I looked back over my shoulder, making eye contact with him and said "The harder they fall. Happy birthday old man." with that I closed the door behind me and walked back downstairs to the party.

I made it downstairs and searched the crowd for Eleanor. My search was interrupted when a slender blonde woman came up to me. "Hello, are you Calix?" I gave her a polite smile In response. "Yes, and who might you be?"

She gave me a flirtatious smile and put her long platinum blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm Rachel, Vitalys granddaughter." She put out her hand and I grabbed it, giving her a small kiss on the back of it. "Nice to meet you sweetheart, crazy to think such a pretty girl has such a stubborn mule of a grandfather." She giggled in response and gave me a slight tap on the arm.

"He's not that bad! Who am I kidding, yes he is." I smiled and shook my head. "Well I need to go look for my date now, it was nice meeting you." I was about to walk off and was stopped by her, she grabbed my arm and let out a frantic wait with red cheeks. "Here's my number, call me sometime okay?"

She held out her number on a piece of paper and I took it, crumpling it up and putting it into my pocket. "Thanks, see you Rachel." I walked off and searched for Eleanor.

I froze in shock of the scene unfolding before me. She was not only dancing with another man but kissing him, staring directly at me.

The shock and the pain of the moment I immobilized me. A sickness boiled within me, anger and hurt pierced me and clouded my senses, my judgement was shot. I could feel everything yet nothing at the same time. I walked over to them calmly and tapped on her shoulder.

"Come on, it's time to go home." She looked at me with disbelief and anger in her eyes. I was too hurt to even react. I ignored her, getting into the car. When she got into the car I took off, barely waiting until she closed her door.

I zoomed through the highway, dangerously switching from lane to lane. The hurt had hit me and I needed to get away. I needed to isolate myself from her. This is why I said love isn't real.

Because people do shit like this. Loyalty is real, but love? People claim to "love" each other but break their lovers heart in the end.

Love was supposed to be this amazing thing that made you happy and made your life better, but look where loving her has gotten me.

Betrayed and hurt. During the time I was away
from her, I missed her so much. I longed to see her and touch her. The only time I got to was around 12pm when she was fast asleep.

I promised myself that after I handled most of the Mconnel business I would commit myself to her and try this love thing out. I thought hey, maybe it was real. Maybe this is what she's making me feel, and if it is, maybe i should just give in and embrace it.

Not even half of a day In and I'm regretting it. We finally reached the house after a long, silent, and intense car ride. "Get out now." My tone was emotionless and cold. "Calix, listen I-"

I turned to her, looking her dead in her eyes. "Get. Out. Now." My tone was deadly. I was about to snap and if she didn't get out now I was sure I'd kill her. She sighed and left, walking into the house.

I searched my pocket and pulled out Rachel's number. I needed to take my mind off of things. What could possibly be a better way than to take my mind off of her through Vitaly's granddaughter

I dialed the number and heard a soft "Hello? Who's this?" I smirked against the phone,"Hey it's Calix, do you want to hang out tonight?"

I heard an eager "Yes! I'd love to! I'll meet you at club angel in 10!" I started the car and buckled back up."Alright I'll see you then."
Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for actually reading my book, adding it to your reading lists, and voting! It means a lot! It's crazy because I never thought that anyone would actually read my book and like a week later I see that it's ranking 98 in gangster with views increasing each day! It's such a good feeling to know that people actually somewhat like my book especially because I feel like it's kinda bad since it's my first time actually writing a book!

It's even crazier to look at the demographics and realize that people from all around the world are reading my book! I truly hope you guys continue reading and enjoy my book! Dont hesitate to comment because id really love to see your thoughts on whats going on! Anyways thank you guys I love and appreciate y'all so much!

I'll try and update as often as I can and produce good chapters, thanks again you guys!

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