Running Into Trouble

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I grabbed my duffel bag and stuffed as much much clothes into it until it was filled to the brim. I put on some good running shoes and ran. I ran out of the door, not leaving so much as a note.

From middle school to high school I was practically a track star. I took my team to state every single year, but after high school I stopped. I haven't actually ran in about 3 years, yet I still had my endurance and speed.

Almost 30 minutes went past and I could feel my lungs burning and my legs aching. I stopped and put my bag down, resting my hands on my knees. I couldn't run any more without taking a breather, if I continued I was sure that I'd faint.

I was so close to the city, I could practically taste my freedom. I could start over somewhere, anywhere. I'd never have to see him again...

I'd never get to see him again. It doesn't matter anymore, he hates me anyways. I got up about to run again but was stopped. "Eleanor!" I whipped my head around in alarm to see Edward in his black sedan. "Get in! I'll give you a ride!"

I looked at him cautiously, about to reject the offer. "Come on! You can trust me I promise! I just need to talk to you!" I let out a sigh and reluctantly got into the passengers side.

He shot me a warm smile and drove off as I bucked my seat. "You hungry?" I nodded my head, holding my duffel bag tight. I was exhausted and my throat was burning from all the running.

"Alright then let's get something to eat." We drove into the city, and to a small cafe. I got out of the car, leaving my bag inside. "I love this place, I always come here when I need to think."

He led me inside and we sat down at one of the tables. "I'll go get us some coffee and croissants." He got up and flashed me a smile as he went to go order our food. He came back a few minutes later with our food and drinks.

"Thank you!" I quickly bit into the croissant, letting out a small moan of satisfaction. He chuckled at me as he watched me eat. "I take it it's good?"

I furiously nodded my head. This had to be one of the best croissants I've ever had in my life, it was buttery and practically melted In your mouth. "So why were you running on the side of the street?"

I put my food down and had a miniature inner battle with myself over if i should tell him or not. This was my second time even seeing him in person. On the other hand it couldn't hurt, he did just help me out...

"I was running away." His eyebrow peaked up in curiosity as he listened. "From Calix?" I gave him a slow nod and narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "So I guess you found out about his meet up with Rachel?"

I felt my heart stop for a split second. "His meet up with Rachel?" He gave me a look of disbelief and continued "yeah you didn't know? After the party they spent the night together if you know what I mean." I felt anger and jealousy explode within me. In that moment, if I was given an opportunity to kill him, I would.

"No way, I don't believe you. Do you have any proof?" His lips were pressed into a thin line as he nodded his head, "Yeah, here." He placed a yellow package on the table and opened it, revealing photos of Calix and the blonde girl I saw at the party.

I took a subtle but deep breathe in attempt to calm down. "Eleanor, If Im being honest i wanted to talk to you about Calix..." I nodded my head, signaling for him to continue.

"Im sure you've found out by now, but he's heavily involved with human trafficking as well as drug and weapon trafficking. I work undercover as a cop and I've been working for years to bust him, I'm so close. I just need a little bit more evidence and he'll be behind bars until he dies."

"So what does this have to do with me?" He took a deep breathe, anxiousness held in his eyes. "I need you to get that evidence for me."

I was silent for a moment as I thought about his offer. "You'll be under witness protection if you choose to do it, and we'll make sure you're completely safe!"

"And this would put him behind bars forever?" He gave me a quick nod. "I'm in." His jaw dropped as he stared at me in disbelief. "Seriously?"

Seriously... that's exactly what I was asking myself. Was I really going to try and expose this foul man? The man that I had claimed to love so much? Everything in me screamed to reject the offer, but i wasn't able to think rationally. My judgement was clouded by the anger and resentment I felt for him at the moment.

All I did was kiss Edward but he... he was sleeping around. He never intended to really love me, he was just horny and possessive. All I could feel was anger and vengeance radiating within me, eating me alive.

"What do I need to do?" He dug in his pockets and pulled out a cross necklace. "Here, this has a small microphone and camera inside. Just squeeze it once to start recording."

I took it and wrapped it around my neck. "If you know where any of his secret files might be and wouldn't mind looking there it'd be awesome, but if you can't and you catch him saying anything incriminating, just record it."

I nodded my head and felt my heart race. I was really doing this... I was going to betray Calix.

Bad neighbor Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora