Home Alone

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By the next morning, Calix was gone, leaving me and Aries alone in the house. The house felt so lonely without him. The only other face to face human interaction was with the maids and the cooks.

I grabbed my phone and checked my messages to see if my family had contacted me. I scrolled through my phone to see I had hundreds of missed calls and text messages. Half of them were from my parents while the other half were from two unknown numbers which I assumed were James and Amelia.

As I scrolled through the messages I got a call from an unknown number. I stared at it until it left the screen and continued scrolling again, only to be interrupted by the same number. I let out a frustrated sigh and answered the call.

"Hello?" I heard several gasps over the phone after I spoke. "Eleanor? Is that really you?" I furrowed my brows as I tried to determine who the voice belonged to. "Well duh, who is this?"

"It's James, I'm hear with Amelia and your fam-" I instantly hung up on him. My skin crawled as soon as I heard his name. I swore that I'd never speak to him again and I meant it. I was happy with Calix and even though my disappearance was sudden, neither him or Amelia had any right to contact me in any form, not after what they did to me.

As I recalled the incident, all of my sadness and anger of that day came back, making me relive the moment. I wanted to forgive them, but the hurt was too strong. The time that I spent loving them, supporting them... and all for what? For them to throw it in my face? For them to betray my trust and loyalty? For them to leave scars on my heart that would never go away?

How dare they even think about calling me, pretending like they actually cared about me? Where was that same caring energy when they were betraying me in my own home? I got another call, but this time from my father. I stared at it for a second and answered it, going against my better judgement. "Hello father."

"Sweetheart! It really is you! Where are you? Are you okay?" I took a deep breath trying to control my emotions. I didn't have the best relationship with my parents, but i still loved them. I couldn't tell them that i was forced to live in New York with a criminal. "I'm great father! Don't worry about me, I decided to move to New York with my new boyfriend, so don't worry about me okay?" I could hear gasps in the background as my mother and the two backstabbers heard me over the speaker.

"But honey! What about your fiance James!" This was the first time i've spoken to them in weeks and all they could do was ask about James! I took a deep breathe trying to control my anger as I spoke. "James and Amelia are dead to me, tell them to never call me ever again. Since you love James so much, why don't you marry him! For once i'm happy and i don't need you, or mother, or any one of those losers in the background disrupting my life and ruining it for me! Call me when you have something of substance to say, other than some stupid what about James bullshit!" My words came out venomous as i yelled through the phone.

Before he could answer, I hung up and blocked all of their numbers. I'd never been so happy that i left Arizona. Its been a day and i want him to come back already. Its alright though, it'd give me time to think about how i would tell him about what i almost did.

I heard a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and walked to the door, Aries following behind me closely. I got on my toes and looked through the peephole to see none other than Edward. I opened the door, immediately hearing a growl behind me. "Its okay honey, i'm okay." i rubbed Aries head to calm him down. "So wheres the evidence?"

"I decided not to go through with it... I can't betray him. Even if he cheated on me, I can't betray him. I love him, and he loves me. I barely even know you and I don't even understand why i bothered listening to you. Please leave and don't come back." His face held shock, disbelief and anger at my words. I went to close the door but he stopped it with his foot, prying the door open. "Listen here you fucking bitch, you're going to-" Suddenly a vicious growl came from Aries. The only thing stopping him from attacking Edward was the hand i had on his collar, pulling him back.

"No you listen you nark, its either you leave, or Aries is going to tear your sorry behind into shreds. " His eyes were filled with fury as he stared at the dog, then back at me. "Fine! You'll regret this! Mark my fucking words!" with that he turned around and got into his car. He slammed the door shut and drove off.

I closed the door and got on my knees, taking Aries head in my hands. "Good job boy! Who's a good boy!" He attacked me with slobbery kisses in response. Now that i cut ties with Edward, how was i going to tell Calix? First i need to find that necklace that Edward gave me and destroy all of the evidence...

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