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Eyes closed, I snuggled into the silk sheets as my head pounded. "I feel like I'm gonna die" I said mumbling into the pillow. "With how much you drunk last night I wouldn't be surprised."

Hearing the familiar voice I opened my eyes and shot up taking in my surroundings. "W-what happened? Where am I?" It looked like a total bachelors pad. "My apartment."

"Did we?" He looked at me with amusement flashing in his green eyes. "No, Im not really into taking advantage of unconscious women."

I sighed and plopped down on the bed. My head was throbbing non stop and I began to feel bile rise in my throat. "I'll bring you a Tylenol and some water"

He came back with the medicine in one hand and a glass in the other. He handed both to me gently. I mumbled a small thanks and took the medicine feeling slightly better as the water ran down my throat.

Why was I here? What even happened last night? I remember I got drunk and he saved me from the creepy guy at the bar... all I remember is passing out in his car.

I laid back down closing my eyes and rubbing my temples in hopes to alleviate the pain as I attempted to remember the night before.

He saved me last night, so maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought. I mean he was still bad but maybe I was being a little too judgmental? Was I really this stuck up? Oh gosh I'm becoming my mother.

I don't even know his name. I got up and looked around. Where is he? "Um... hello?" As I walked around the apartment looking for him, my eyes landed on a door. Maybe he's in here?

My eyes widened in shock as I saw him in all his glory, getting dressed. "I-I'm so sorry!" I quickly shut the door and ran back to his bed.

My cheeks were burning bright red as I recalled his naked body. I'm so dumb! Why don't I ever knock! I smacked my head a couple times scolding myself for my bad habit leaving my pounding headache worse. My absent mindedness strikes again, way to go Eleanor!

He is so fine. I need to think rationally. He's bad news. Even if he's fine as hell, and has a really nice sense of style and- let me stop myself before I get in too deep.

I groaned at my internal struggle as I saw him step into the room. "Last night you flashed me, and then you sneak a peek of my dick. I never knew we had a sexual predator in the neighborhood, this place is really going to shit."

My jaw dropped. Did he just call me a sexual predator! "I am not a sexual predator! It was an accident! I was loo- wait did you just say I flashed you? When!"

"Last night, as I was kindly driving you home you decided to flash me." He shook his head, feigning shock.

"Wha- No! I-" he chuckled at my reaction and patted my head. He watched me amused as I struggled to form a sentence to justify my actions. "It's okay baby, I know you can't help it. Some people are just born perverts. How about you repay me for taking care of you last night and dealing with your sexual harassment?" I immediately snapped out of my shock.

"Listen If it's money you want I don't-" His hand gently caressed my cheek leaving me feeling nervous. "No don't worry, I don't want your money, I have enough of that."

"What I really want is you." He ran his thumb over my lips and got on his knees so his face was in front of mine as I sat on the bed. My eyes went wide and my face turned red as I sat there as stiff as a board.

He came closer and gently placed his hand under my chin. He let out a small laugh, seeing how nervous I became. " Im just messing with you, but really you're kind of cute, I honestly wouldn't mind-"

Abruptly there was a knock on the door. He let out a slew of curses under his breath as he reluctantly pulled away and looked through the peephole.

Swinging it open he said "Damn it, what do you want Brandon!" Does he always open the door with an attitude?

"Boss there's trouble! The Mconnels have been interfering with our deals!"

I heard a smack "Ow! boss!" I got up and creeped closer to the door trying not to be discovered. "Lower your fuckin voice, the neighbors are nosy and I have a girl inside!"

"Oh shit my bad... was it that girl from Electric?" Calix grabbed the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Get back on track! What about the Mconnels."

"They ended up killing several of our men!"
Kill? Did he just say kill! "Fuck! If it's a war they want, then it's a war they'll get. Get the guns and gather my men Brandon, because shits about to get a bit dirty." Is he really going to go kill people? That didn't sound like much of a metaphorical sense of kill to me.

The man left and my neighbor quickly turned around to see me spying on him and his friend. Im caught! "I- i just got here! I didn't see or hear anything I swear! I know nothing about murder or the Mconnels!" My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over my mouth. I am undoubtedly the dumbest bitch alive.

He gave me a calm smile and walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of a clear liquid and dousing it on a thick cloth. "I believe you hun."

"Wait really? Y-you do?" He walked over to me slowly, like a predator stalking it's prey with the wet cloth in hand. "Of course I do!" He quickly ran behind me, putting the wet cloth over my face, covering my nose and mouth. "Just relax" I thrashed against him trying to escape, but his grip on me was too tight. As I took a breathe in, my lungs burned and my head felt light while my body felt heavy. Soon after I went limp into his arms, blacking out.

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