Chapter 150: Reunion With The Makasha, Threat Lurks

Start from the beginning

Silver looks up at her sister "Are you scared?" "No," Farah shakes her head "Noel seemed like a really nice guy. Which I was shocked since I expected some more of a rough character, but he was a genuine and kind-hearted person, which made me feel more comfortable about this group, but I just feel... concern about this requirement you need to do to show if you are worthy" "You don't like it?" "I don't, Sis" "Well, I am sure in a way Ivory is relieved about this decision since it displays them in a more realistic light. They aren't some group of nobodies" "I guess that is true."

Farah turns to look at Ivory "What I am really concern about is your decision to go after Nawin Makasha," "Do you think I can't defeat him?" Ivory asks, raising an eyebrow "Ivory..." Farah wears a mix of concern and frustration expression "You may not care much about your life, but I do!" "..." "You have defeated many supernatural opponents in our journey, but none of them are as well-known or strong as the Black Flash. Also, you aren't thinking things through! Let's say you killed him... What kind of repercussion would it bring?" "She has a point," Silver inserts with a dull tone "There is a chance you could bring the fury of hell down on us, Ivory."

Ivory stares at the twins for a moment before cracking a smirk, then shift sight to the youngest one specifically. "Farah, you worry too much. I never once implied to either Noel or you two that I planned to kill the Black Flash" "Huh?" Farah blinks in confusion. Ivory stands up and makes way to the door "I have to prove to them how strong I am. I will drag his ass out of hiatus and have a battle with him. How that fight goes will be decided when the time comes. The plan is for me to use him as a stepping stone to enter this group" "And if you get killed?" Silver asks, watching her friend stops in front of the door. Ivory grabs the knob and twists it to open the door "Then my journey ends. If I am killed in that battle, then there's no point of me to continue living. I rather die in battle then die of age in this dull life" she replies then exits to the hallway, shutting the door.

Silver hears her sister let out a soft hum, which signals she is currently contemplating about something. "Farah," "Yeah?" "If Ivory joins this group will you follow her?" "H-huh?" Farah hop off the bed to land on the ground then turns around to face her sister "Was I giving that kind of impression?" she asks with surprise "... A bit" "Oh... Well," Farah shakes her head and wears a strong expression "Of course not! If Ivory joins this group, then I follow as well. We... It's always been the three of us, I don't want to imagine ever being separated from you or her."

Silver stares at her sister for a moment then gives the nod "Good... I also don't want us to be separated" "You know," Farah giggles a bit "Saying those words with that dull face of yours is uncanny" "It is?" "Yep, but I that's just the way you are, sis" "It is... Have a problem then deal with it," "Ehehe, of course."


"Uuurgghhh!" Xenovia openly lets out a yawn, stretching her arms to the air to move the still tired muscles. Walking on her right, Yuuto lets out a chuckle then gives a bright smile "Didn't get much sleep?" "Yeah," Xenovia brings her arms down then lets out a grunt "I forgot about the stupid homework and spent an extra two hour past my bedtime to finished it" "You know you could have just knocked on my door for help, right?" "I appreciate that, but," Xenovia smile then gives a gentle and playful punch to Yuuto's jaw "I wouldn't want to wake you up from your beauty sleep" "Ahahaha."

"You know," Xenovia speaks, and Yuuto closely listens when hearing the softness in her usually strong voice "I feel sad that we won't be celebrating Nawin-senpai's birthday" "Ah," Yuuto nods, remembering last night during dinner that he told Xenovia about the situation involving the Makasha's birthday. Considering Xenovia is his girlfriend, Yuuto felt it was right to have told her about it. Especially when she was planning on heading out on Thursday to picked out a present.

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