7. Replacements & Romances

Start from the beginning

  "Sorry I'm late guys," Celia suddenly says as she rushes towards the group. Everyone only just realises that Celia is missing from the group which sends a rush of guilt through Ella who feels bad for not noticing her best friend there.

  "It's cool, now all we need to wait for is Tina and Ethan, then we're heading off," Martyn explains.

  "Have I missed any goodbyes yet?" Adrian suddenly appears out of nowhere.

  "Nope. Come here, I'll see you in a couple days," Jack grabs Adrian's hand and shoved his chest into Adrian's.

  Martyn steps forward with his hand out. He gentle slaps both sides of Adrian's hands before they both touch knuckles; completing their well performed hand shake. "If we hear any police or whatever from outside the island, we promise to come straight home. Alright?" Martyn promises and smiles.

  Adrian smiles and nods. Then Celia comes forward and brings Adrian into a big hug. "Take care of yourself. Hope you don't get too bored."

  Adrian cringes at the pain in his arm as Celia presses onto it. "Oops, sorry. Did I do any severe damage?" Celia asks suddenly concerned.

  "No it's cool. Good luck on the trip," he smiles.

  At last, Tina and Ethan arrive and before long they are on a search to find a hanging tree. Waving at Adrian before they hike into the woods.

  An hour passes and nothing looks similar to a place executions would take place. Jack and Ella don't talk much which keeps the group quiet. Celia and Martyn are silent but Tina and Ethan chat all the way. This would often spring up other conversations amongst the group, but they never started without Tina or Ethan.

  "This is taking too long. We need to cover Turninsula," Ella explains. "How about we divide into groups... Pairs maybe?"

  "No, you were the one who said we have all the time in the world. We should keep together; it's not safe," Jack protests.

  "Come on, we don't have time. We have a threat of a possible attack so we should find this blue liquid stuff as soon as possible," Ella explains.

  "Yeah but-" Jack pauses. "It's not a bad idea... As long as there is someone else... OK, pairs it is!"

  "Jack, my man, how about we get together?" Martyn asks enthusiastically, almost too much.

  "Sure thing," Jack smiles.

  "Celia, want to come with me?" Ella asks politely. Celia nods instantly. Tina and Ethan don't need to say a word to each other.

  "OK, two hour search. We meet back here at this spot. We all have our watches, right? If one of the pairs are missing. Blow your whistles and we will blow ours. It doesn't matter where we end up, as long as we are together at the end. Got it?" Jack explains.

  Everyone nods and almost naturally, everyone goes in their own direction with their partner. Despite their being less people in a group. Conversation is easier for everyone.


  "I can't believe you gave into Ella's argument," Martyn says as he walks side by side with Jack.

  "What? Did you not want us to split into groups?" Jack asks.

  "No, I didn't care. My point is you gave in to Ella's argument," Martyn repeats.


  "So why do you keep doing that? You never give in. You're the most stubborn person I know," Martyn explains.

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