Milly's P.O.V

"Neither." I answer calmly still looking at our hands. Brad kisses me gently on my forehead and I lift my head to look at him. "Let's play a game!" I continue my tone mischievous.

"Sure, but what game?"

"Hide and hide I'll seek!" and with that said Brad kisses my cheek, let's go of my hand and runs off into the woods.

I then sit down by the lake and stare at the water while I count to fifty. It's so peaceful but that's a big woods it's not going to be easy finding him!

"Fifty! Ready or not, here I come!" I yell towards the wood as I run to the tree-line. I look up to the top of the trees, before taking a deep breath and stepping into the dark woods.

I've been walking deeper and deeper into the woods for five minutes now and I'm starting to worry that I've lost Brad when I see a cute little wooden hut with candles in the window. I carefully tread towards the hut and I see that the door is slightly ajar. "Brad? You there?" there's no reply so I push on and open the door to the hut. I step into it and see a four poster bed with rose petals scattered across it. there's also a small stone fireplace with a note attached to a bunch of roses.

I walk over to the fireplace and the note says Milly on it so I take the roses and smell them before opening the note that has been sealed with red wax.

Dear Milly,

I am closer than you think, but do not leave this hut I shall return when I know that you and I are not fret I shan't be long and most definitely won't be far...

Yours lovingly

Bradley xxx

I couldn't help but grin and although you may not get it I certainly do. I look to the bed but my eyes are stopped by a door which I walk over to and open...its just a small walk-in wardrobe but it has a rather sexy looking piece of undergarments...

Wow he put a lot of effort in! He is such a charmer!

I slip into the laundré and hang up my clothes before closing the wardrobe door and laying on the bed. It's only now that I realise how exhausted I actually am and my eyelids get heavier and heavier before I drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

I wake up to the feeling of someone brushing the hair off my face and whispering my name softly as they do so. My eyes open slowly and my vision is blurred at first however I can still make out his soft brown curls.

"Brad...Brad!" I dart up and look at Brad feeling rather guilty. "I'm sorry I couldn't help it but I am truly grateful for all of this!"

"It's fine, honestly! You've only been out for an hour and you looked so at peace with the world. I didn't mean to wake you!" Brad strokes my cheek and I lean into his hand before kissing his thumb.

Brad's P.O.V

Suddenly I begin to feel really nervous and my face must've showed it because Milly have me a reassuring smile. Nothing is said but a kiss is given and we know that we're ready as the kiss deepens. I pull the sheets off of Milly revealing the garments I bought for her and then I take my jacket off not breaking the kiss. Milly then takes over and slowly pulls my t-shirt over my head causing the kiss to break. She sits there before placing her thumb on my lip and tracing the line down my neck. Gently she kisses my neck working her way down to my chest and then back up I my lips. I feel her tugging at the button of my jeans and help her. As my hands meet her own tiny ones I take them and wrap them around the back of my neck. She cuddles me with her legs as I stand up and my jeans slide off of me.

We sit on the floor, she is between my legs as they form a circle around her. Milly runs her hands through my hair as I reach around her back to undo the clip of her bra. Eventually it comes undo and she brings her warm body closer to me and I embrace her in all her natural form. I kiss her neck and she let's out a small moan before she nibbles my ear.

Before I know it I'm lifting her up and onto the bed where I pull the sheets over us so that this moment stays ours. Nobody else needs to know that I shared this dreamlike moment with the one girl I wished to share it with!

Milly, I love you...all of you...


N'aww they're the cutest couple ever!! Anyways I apologise for my non-existence these last few weeks but you know how it is with school and everything...haha!

I have another shoutout this chapter and it goes to @leximeredith0419 thanks to you for adding my story to your reading list and thanks to all you who are reading this right now! Yeah you!! Haha!

Thanks again, Fin! 😘

Ps Madley and Brilly are Milly and Bradley's ship names you chose which you prefer! 😊

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