New Levels

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Vivian woke up early the next morning. She sighed softly and was about to get up out of bed when Pauly pulled her back into bed.

Vivian: Babe I have to make breakfast.

Pauly: It's 5 in the morning, you're pregnant and we are all grown adults, you are not allowed out of this bed until it's a normal person time. 

Vivian: And what's a normal person time?

Pauly: 10-11. Now lay that pretty head against my chest and fall asleep again.

Vivian: Babe I need to make breakfast.

Pauly: Unless you are about to throw up the nothingness in your stomach you are not moving from this bed.

Vivian: *whinning* Why!!!!!

Pauly: Because I've talked with Snooki and sleep is important for you and the baby now lay down before I tie you down and not in the fun way.

Vivian: Pauly I will-OW!

Vinny had been woken by the passive argument and chuckled his only pillow aimlessly.

Vinny: Shut up! You're both pretty, now let the normal people get their beauty sleep. If I have to I will come sleep in between the two of you!

Vivian: You wouldn't do that.

Vinny: You asked for it. 

Vinny got out of bed with his blankets. He climbed over Vivian and squeezed between the married couple. Vivian squealed and laughed. She laid back on the bed feeling Pauly's arm still tightly wrapped around her waist. Vivian laid her head on Vinny's shoulder. Pauly had his head on Vinny's and Vinny's head was on Vinny's shoulder.

Snooki was walking through the house when she saw the three.

[Snooki: I'm always up for a group snuggle.]

Snooki walked in and climbed into the bed laying next to Vivian. A little later Jenni and Deena joined, then Ronnie and Sam, then Mike. The family was all crowded on a tiny twin bed. Vivian hadn't moved and actually managed to fall asleep past 5 for once. They all woke up at 11 and headed down for brunch. Vivian smiled a bit as she looked over at her husband who stretched.

Vivian: That was nice.

Pauly: Glad you liked it cause you better get used to it. You're going to be sleeping in a lot.

Vivian groaned and got up. She jumped on Ronnie's back.

Ronnie: Viv really?

Vivian: I'm not talking to Pauly so you're my teddy bear.

Pauly: I get punished for being a good boyfriend! SUE ME!

Vivian: Mush Ronnie!

The roomies laughed and shook their head at the married couple before them. They all had breakfast together and got ready to do their individual things through out the day. Vivian stayed with Pauly all day long. They were having a day of hanging out and just keeping it calm for the two pregnant girls in the house.

Vivian laid against Pauly as they sat on the seats with Snooki as they all sat in the sun. Vivian had her head leaned back as she was in her bikini and getting a little tan. Pauly was sat next to her not to get in the way of her.

After their day just hanging out the roomies decided to go to the bar. Vivian got dressed in her clothes for the club. She had on a nice dress and sandals. She walked downstairs where the guys were sitting with their wife beaters on. Vivian sat next to Pauly cuddling into him leaning back.

Mike: Hey Viv, I got a question?

Vivian: Shoot boo.

Mike: I really like Paula and I'm thinking of asking her out, do you think it's a good idea?

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