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Vivian sat in her brother's car just sitting back. She laid her head against the seat before leaning back. She laid all the way back and fell asleep with the cross clutched in her hand tightly.

When they made it to the hospital her brother picked her up and walked her to their mom's room. Vivian sat in a chair next to her dad laying a head on his shoulder and holding her mother's arm. She watched her mother with tears leaning into her father. Her father gripped her tightly and kissed her temple pulling her close. He rubbed her back and watched her a moment as she played with the new necklace she adorned.

Vivian: How are you mama?

MamaR: Good....just....tired.

Vivian: I don't want you to go....but it's okay to. I will still love you. I'll be in pain but I will still love you Mama. I will always be your princessa.

MamaR: I love you angel. I .......got you......a gift.......

One of her brothers walked over to her and handed her a beautiful handmade leather lined wooden jewelry box. Vivian recognized it from her childhood. Constantly playing with the treasures inside, one time playing barried treasure with her brothers.

MamaR: My mother......had that made.....for my wedding......since I can't be here.....for when you get married.....I want you to have it now......but don't open it.....until you get married.....inside......is a beautiful.....note.........and a piece of jewelry that I want you to have........I love you my little angel.....

Vivian sniffled and kissed her mom's forehead.

Vivian spent all week with her mom having these little moments. They laughed and talked. She did her mom's make up and hair just cause her mom asked her to show her, her salon skills. Vivian laid next to her mom and they talked all the time. She only left to take showers and eat food. Besides that she never left her side. Without all the wires attached to her Vivian saw her same old mom.

MamaR: Viviana?

Vivian: Yes mama?

MamaR: I wish I could have seen a grandchild before I left.

Vivian: I know mama.

MamaR: Can I see any kind of grandchild before I go?

Vivian looked at her mom and then got an idea. She kissed her head leaving one of her brothers with her. She rushed down the stairs to her car. She drove to the place she needed. She searched until she found what she wanted. She paid for everything she needed before heading to the hospital. She headed up to her mom's room with a little bundle in her arms.

MamaR: What's that?

Vivian: Your grandchild.

Vivian laid the blanket in her mom's arms. Instantly her mom was licked all over the place by a tiny puppy tongue. The little corgi happily licked the old ladies face causing her to laugh in happiness. Vivian smiled and rubbed her mom's arm.

MamaR: What's his name?

Vivian: His name is whatever you want.

MamaR: Well I've always loved the name Elliot.

Vivian: Elliot it is. I love you mama.

MamaR: I love you too princess.

Vivian kissed her head and took the puppy back in her arms. Her brother took the puppy home that night and Vivian laid with her head on her mom's bed holding her mom's hand. She felt her mom hold her hand tight. Vivian fell asleep at her mom's side.


Vivian later woke up to a long beeping and yelling from down the hall. Vivian sat up groggily then saw her mom white and her monitor flatlining.

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