Long Day!

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Vivian got up from her comfy bed and got dressed. She walked downstairs and started breakfast for the family. As she was getting the food ready she started humming. Vivian cooked dancing in place as she was enjoying the quiet she got in the mornings while the family was asleep. She stretched her back. She did a little spin and spotted something on the counter. She scrunched her eyes and looked around seeing the present.

Pauly a few moments ago snuck downstairs left the present and went back to bed. He laid in bed waiting to go down and see what she thinks.

Vivian opened the paper around the box then the box. She pulled out a smaller box. She opened the smaller box and there was a cute hand made gift.

Vivian saw almost a $1000 of lottery tickets with a note sticking through the top, 'I won the lottery when I met you! <3 Pauly D'. Vivian smiled at the gift and pulled it out of the box. In the bottom of the box there was an envelope. She picked it up and read the words on the envelope, 'Since I stupidly missed your birthday, this is only the beginning of the day I have planned for us and the family.'

Vivian opened the envelope and there were tickets to her favorite band. She was shocked cause they weren't on tour but then she read the tickets. 'Maroon 5 will be performing a private concert on the board walk after closing for Vivian Rossi and her house mates.'

[Vivian: Oh.....my......I just.......he remembered. I mentioned this ONCE in the whole time we dated. I mentioned that I always dreamed of that stupid love story moment where the guy does something completely out there and he does this......]

[Pauly: I will gladly go broke for this girl, she's the love of my life and I'm not going anywhere without her. That's why after this season instead of going to Cali like I planned, I'm heading to Florida to be there for my girl.]

Vivian put the tickets back in the envelope and closed it. She set it on the counter and finished breakfast. She grabbed an air horn she bought and blared it. She grabbed two plates after hearing a couple thuds and walked to Snooki's place. She put the plates on Snooki's table and headed up waking up the pregnant meatball for some food. They sat together at the table.

Snooki: So how was your morning?

[Snooki: Everyone knew about Pauly's plan, because there's something bigger planned than just the concert.]

Vivian: It was......cute.

Snooki: Oh? 

Vivian laughed and took a bite.

Vivian: Yeah.....Pauly left me a gift this morning. It was a bundle of lottery cards that had a note that said I won the lottery when I met you, and the other thing was he got Maroon 5 my favorite band, to do a private concert for us all.

Snooki: That's so cute!

Vivian: I know. He's really proving that he wants me back.

[Snooki: Did you not see the guy WILLINGLY set up your bed for you even though it killed him to have you that far away? Jenni: She was shopping with Ronnie! Snooki: Oh......yeah.....]

Snooki: Of course he does. He got a taste of heaven and lost it.

Vivian: Okay Snickers. 

They laughed and continued to eat.

Pauly walked downstairs with the family. They all sat down to eat.

Pauly: So is the plan all set?

Mike: We got everything set up, the food the drinks, everything.

Pauly: This better go right.

Ronnie: It will man, you just have to have some faith.

Pauly: It's hard to when I know Karma is just waiting to bite me in the ass for what I did.

Ronnie: Please. We will beat Karma's ass.

Pauly: Thanks guys.

[Mike: You might want to hold onto that thank you, because you're going to be trying to kill us after our surprise....]

The group finished breakfast and did the dishes. Vivian walked out of the house next door with Snooki and went to the house. Vivian walked over to the group and stood on the side of Vinny that was away from Pauly. She leaned into Vinny's back resting her head on his.

Vinny: You okay there?

Vivian: Yeah, just feels like this day is dragging on.

Vinny: It will be different tonight.

Vivian: I know. I'm excited.

Vivian walked over to Pauly and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind leaning into his body. She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

Vivina: You just lost 3 strikes because 1 you remembered something important to me, 2 this is the sweetest cutest thing anyone has done for me and 3 you bet your lucky stars you won the lottery when you met me. 

Vivian left a big kiss mark on his cheek. Pauly grinned watching her walk off knowing he was getting there. He just hoped by the end of the night his whole plan will have him with no strikes left. He actually hopes to be leaving the night with someone he's never had in his life before. He leaned on the counter and smiled at the thoughts of his plans for tonight.

[Pauly: This has to go perfect. I can't let Vivi slip away!]

Vivian got dressed and sat with the roomies as they all sat on the top deck talking about what they wanted to hear tonight. Vivian was cushioned next to Vinny leaning on the arm rest. She sighed softly as she was wanting this day to get closer to the end. She wanted to see what amazing things Pauly had planned for the concert and what she as going to be doing at this concert. She knows Pauly well enough o know that he wasn't doing something short and simple.

[Vivian: If things go a certain way tonight, I think Pauly will leave with a girlfriend again. I honestly think that he's shown me enough to know that I can start a relationship again with him.]

[Pauly: She said she wants to START one? Damn.....I REALLY hope my plan is strong enough otherwise there is going to be a lot of awkwardness in the shore.....]

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