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Vinny hung up and walked over to the family. He was debating on how and where to tell Vivian. He didn't know if she was all a hunch she had or what but this was too big to dump on her in front of the family. He sat down and kept glancing over at Vivian. Vivian felt him staring at her and had a feeling he was looking for a way to bring up wanting to talk to her. She decided to give him an out and spoke up.

Vivian: Who was it?

Vinny: It was your dad. I actually have something he wanted me to tell private. Can we go to our room?

Vivian: Yeah.

Vivian got up and walked with Vinny up to their room. Vinny shut and locked the door. He sat with Vivian and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He turned off their mics and leaned into Vivian's ear. Vinny gave her the news. 

Pauly was sitting with the family who were all wondering what was going on.

Jenni: What do you think is so important that they can't tell the family?

Pauly: It's probably something she needs to know before telling the family. I know she's going to tell us eventually.

Snooki: I love how much trust you two have.

Pauly: It just feels natural for us, to me at least.

[Vinny: Well she took the news a little calmer than I was expecting but I think it's cause she didn't want the family to hear before she told Pauly.]

Ronnie: What do you think he's telling her?

Pauly: It doesn't really matter, it's between them and it can stay between them if it's really important just drop it. 

Everyone nodded and started to eat their food again. Vivian and Vinny walked down. Vivian sat down and cuddled into Pauly. Pauly kissed her forehead holding her against him. He stroked her hair and looked down but couldn't tell she was sad, or happy or angry. He let it go though wanting to let her tell him at her own rate. 

Vivian cuddled into him the rest of the night and they all just sat together having a calming family night after all the drama from last night. Vivian sat on the couch with Snooki and Mike while the rest of the family went into the hot tub.

Pauly: Baby you sure you don't wanna get in? I know you normally love to cuddle in the pool.

Vivian: I'm good babe thanks!

Pauly: You sure?

Vinny: She said know, leave her be Pauly.

[Pauly: Okay now I'm starting to worry her dad's second guessing the wedding.]

Vivian talked with Snooki laughing and getting to hang out with her friend happily. Pauly climbed out of the hot tub and sat next to Vivian wrapping her in a wet hug.

Vivian squealed and smacked Pauly on the chest laughing.


Pauly: Don't I every night babe?

Vivian blushed smacking his chest as she tried to get up but Pauly held her to him. Vivian laughed and kicked her legs squealing as Pauly picked her up throwing her over his shoulder.

Pauly: Time to go into the hot tub!


Pauly set her down and put his hands up in surrender.

Vivian: Sorry, I just don't want to go in the hot tub okay?

Pauly: Okay babe. 

Vivian pecked his lips and leaned against him. Pauly wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tightly.

[Pauly: Vivian is acting very weird. But I know that whatever it is she will tell me eventually.]

Pauly: You're not mad at me right?

Vivian: No I'm not, I will tell you if I'm ever mad I promise.

Pauly: I'm holding you too that.

Vivian looked up at him and Pauly grabbed her chin looking down at her.

Vivian: You're so sweet.

Pauly: You know I am.

Vivian laughed and shook her head. After a few more hours in the pool the roomies went inside and change. Vivian put on Pauly's sweats and one of the sweater shirts Ronnie gave her. She walked downstairs and sat in Pauly's lap. Pauly pulled her close kissing her forehead pulling her against his chest.

[Vivian: What Vinny told's big......I just need to find the right way to tell Pauly. I want to do this right and not with all the roomies around. It's just not good.]

After a while everyone went to bed. In the morning Vivian headed out early after making dinner. She drove to the store and did some grocery shopping while also getting some extras. After a few hours she came home and everyone was gone. Vivian smiled and put away all the groceries. She then put the gifts she got Pauly on their bed. She had everything set up in a way that he would love to find them.

Vivian went to the kitchen and started on dinner since the meal she had planned was going to take a few hours. As she was cooking she didn't notice Pauly and Vinny come home from work. Pauly and Vinny walked to their room to get changed. As Pauly walked in he stopped. He looked at his and Vivian's bed seeing his DJ kit out. On the board was a note.

Look in the closet I got you a new DJ set. <3

Pauly walked over to their closet and opened the door. He furrowed his brows before grabbing the note on the new DJ set.

[Pauly: So I get home and Vivi leaves a note saying she got me a new DJ set. When I look at it I'm very confused, but then I look at the note. And this is what it says. 'Baby's First DJ set'. Yeah Buddy!]

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