Shore House

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Vivan's P.O.V

I sat in the car fixing my comfy fabric shorts so they rested a bit lower on my thighs. My feet were kicked on the dash revealing my beautiful artwork that was on my legs. I smiled knowing each one had a meaning behind it. I ran my hands over the mini map of Staten that reminds me of my roots, the little heart on the side of my ankle, and the angel wings with my brother's name, birth and death date on my thigh. I smiled and looked at my right arm sleeve tattoo that had an image for every important person in my life. My left wrist had a quote I live by, in memory of my best friend. Our story ;sn't over ........yet. I smiled and checked my face to make sure I looked well rested, and casual, then I check my hair seeing my DEEP purple hair. It only looked purple in the light and black any other time.

My car parked in front of the house. Looking in the driveway I saw that the vehicles that are normally there are gone. I smiled knowing I'll get to settle before meeting my new roomies. The driver helped me get my bags out. I then moved them into the house and smiled. I wandered around a bit before finding the room that I would be sleeping in. Inside was a bunch of clothes all over the place. I noticed some pictures and smiled. I could tell I was in a guys room so I figured this was the best place to stay.

[Vivian: So as I'm wandering the house I notice that this place has a lot of TLC, even though it isn't clean.]

I put everything away and saw the time. As I was trying to decide what to do I heard a car pulling up. I shrugged it off knowing it was the roommates. I kicked off my flip flops and moved down to the livingroom. As I was walking down the stairs a group of girls came into the house.

Vivian: Hi! I'm the new roomie! I'm Vivian!

They all smiled and met me at the bottom of the stairs. The all three hugged me and gave me an air kiss. 

Girl 1: Hi Boo! I'm Snookie!

Girl 2: I'm Jenni or Jwow boo.

Girl 3: I'm Sammi.

Vivian: Nice to meet you girls. It's 2 in the afternoon anyone up for a casual drink?

[Snookie: So the new girl isn't here for even 10 minutes and she's already a million times better than Angela.]

Snookie: I like her! Let's have some booze and get to know you! Two of the guys are at work and the other two are having a bromance date!

Vivian: Mmm sounds fun!

We all laughed and talked for several hours, just asking basic questions saving the deep stuff for when the whole family was together. At about 5 the door to the house swung open when a big guy and a douche looking guy, who I have heard about from friends the situation, came in.

[Mike: So I walk in the house and there is this super hot chick with the girls, all I'm thinking is the Situation is getting it in tonight! *blows a kiss at the camera*]


Snookie laughed and shook her head at me.

Sammi: Ronnie Mike this is the new roomie Vivian, Vivian this is Mike and Ronnie my boyfriend.

Vivian: *Looks at Sammi with a raised eyebrow before laughing* I ain't going to steal yo' man! That's too much muscle for me! No offense boo!

[Ronnie: I'm honestly surprised Sam didn't punch Vivian in the face. Maybe she's a better addition to the house than I thought.]

Sammi laughed with me seeming to relax a bit. I shook my head at her and then looked at the two guys who joined us in drinking.

Ronnie: Have you seen the show before?

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