Audition Tape

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*Camera flashes on*

What's up bitches! My name if Vivian and I'm looking to replace the dirty little hamster! I agree with Mike, she didn't belong there. But enough about the bitch onto this main bitch!

I am one of the best bitches in the middle of Staten Island, New York! I run this island, people here know me as Viv, Vivalicious, or my close friends know my as their Queen! *Flips hair flirtatiously* I'm one of the badest bitches in the world. I know how to party and throw a punch! My friends will vouch that when I make you part of my family, it's for life no matter the ups and downs and I will ALWAYS protect my family. *makes a first and repeatedly pounds it into the palm of her hand* I WILL PROTECT MY FAMILY UNTIL MY LAST BREATH! SO LOOK OUT JERSEY BECAUSE THE QUEEN IS ABOUT TO ARRIVE!


Producer: Well I think we found our replacement.

Writer 1: Agreed. Make the call.

Producer: This is going to get interesting.

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