Concert Continued

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Pauly: As most of you know I don't normally get stage fright, especially with this woman by my side, but since the break up she makes me nervous, now more than ever. Viv, I heard what you said about wanting to START a relationship, but I don't want to start I want to continue. And I'm not going to leave with the same person I came here with. I came here with a friend and I want to leave here with.......*Pauly trails pulling something from his pocket and getting down on one knee*

[Jenni: YEAH PAULY!!]

Pauly: I want to leave here with my wife. 

Vivian: Don't you mean fiancé?

Pauly: No I mean my wife. Guys.

The family walked up to the stage and stood behind the couple. Ronnie took the mic passing it to Snooki who was first.

Snooki: Guys and bitches! We are all here to marry these two beautiful people together.

Deena: *takes the mic* If anyone is against this please speak now or forever bite your tongue!

Sammi: Good. No, who gives this beautiful girl away?

Papa: *from the crowd* I and her brothers do!

Vivian was crying her hands clutched in Pauly's as he just looked at her the whole time while she took in the whole situation.

Ronnie: Now, the bride didn't prepare anything, but as we all know she does all the talking in this relationship so we hear how much she loves him all the time. So the groom will speak.

Pauly: Vivi, I've loved you since forever. I've known you for six amazing years, I've been your boyfriend for 4 and 6 months. Our time apart has shown me that I need you, I need every part of you, your caring heart, you evil brain, your perfect soul, and who can forget that body. Babe you've been my everything and I need you to continue to be my everything. I'm so in love with you, and I just can't express that, this ring isn't enough, every piece of gold and ice isn't enough to show you how much I love you, my words aren't enough, the one thing that's enough is this commitment I'm making to you. Vivi, I know this is spontaneous and untraditional but, we're the same way. This just describes our whole relationship, and I couldn't think of a better way to get to spend the rest of my life with you, of course we'll have a big party still where you can rock a dress, but I just want you to be mine here and now. It just makes sense to me to tie the knot in the place that all this started. I love you.

Ronnie: Well, now does the bride have anything to say.

Vivian shook her head sniffling as she was lost from Pauly's sweet words.

Mike: Well then there is only one thing left to do other than party. Pauly D do you take Vivian to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Pauly: Yeah buddy!

Vivian laughed and smiled.

Vinny: Vivian do you take Pauly D, my boyfriend, to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Vivian: Yeah buddy.

Vinny: Then by the power invested in us by the states of New Jersey and New York you may kiss the bride!

Their families cheered and Pauly leaned in kissing Vivian long and hard as he slipped the ring on her finger. Vivian had a ring slipped in her hand and she put it on Pauly. After their kiss Pauly picked her up and spun her around.

Pauly: ViviD forever.

Vivian: Yeah Buddy.

Vivian laughed as Pauly spun her around gripping her tight against his body and gripped her close to him. Vivian giggled and leaned down making out with him for a few before they were pushed off the stage and a special song was dedicated to them.

[Ronnie: A Jersey wedding! They fell in love in the one place you shouldn't.]

[Snooki: I am happy now time to talk some ViviD babies!]

[Jenni: Oh my goodness that was a rush!]

[Vivian:! He totally caught me off guard! I feel a rush right now!]

[Vinny: *fake crying* She married my man!]

[Mike: Good to know that someones looking out for them.

[Sammi: This]

[Pauly: I got my forever on the jersey shore!]

[Vivian's Brothers: About time one of us got married.]

[Papa: I wish the best to Vivian and Pauly. I know they are very happy together! Pauly welcome to the family!]

[Paola: Two weddings in a year, very nice! Congrats you two.]

[Vinny: Seriously though, I love you guys and congrats! I want to be an uncle so hop to it!]

[Danny: Congrats you two! Can't imagine a better couple.]

Vivian and Pauly danced to a slow song that the band played. Vivian looked up at her new husband and wrapped her arms around his neck leaning up and kissing him long and hard.

Vivian: So where are we staying?

Damien: I sold your house in Florida so you're staying with your new husband!

Vivian smiled and leaned into Pauly's chest laying her head against his shoulder. Pauly rubbed her back as he danced with her happy to have his girl as his forever. He couldn't imagine his life without her at all. Vivian looked up at him and they shared a tender kiss as she danced with him.

Vinny: Okay you two save that for the bedroom! Right now it's time for the favorite brother to cut in!

Vivian laughed as Vinny dragged her away and Pauly danced with his mom. He chuckled as he was having a good time.

Paula (Pauly's Mom): I am glad you finally got her back. I didn't like you without her.

Pauly: I love her mom. I knew I was going to end up back with her.

[Vivian: *sitting with the box her mom gave her* I get to open this! *opens the box and pulls out a note and a little trinket. 'Dear Vivian. This is a gift that's been handed down mother to daughter for centuries in our family. It's a relic to be believed for good fertility for the woman in our family. As you can see your father and I have had lots of luck with this. Let the lord grace you with as many babies as it sees fit. I know I won't be able to be there for you when you have a child, but I know Paola will be the mom you need. Tell her thank you for taking care of your father. I know some day they will get married even if I have to come back from the grave and make them get married. Please continue on with our family. I love you my sweet miracle. Love your mother.' *tears streamed down Vivian's face* Leave to the dead woman to still hint that I need to have kids asap. Mom, I know you can hear me. I love you, I miss you and I hope you hand pick my children, because lord knows you'll make them as hard headed as me.]

That night Vivian and Pauly had a hotel room to themselves. Vivian packed the little trinket and put it on the night stand. Pauly didn't question it. He climbed in bed giving Vivian a gentle kiss hugging her close, before things got heated.

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