Mama's Home

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Vivian sighed as she rode to the house. The producer helped her plan to get back to the house while the others were out. She smiled, excited to be back, feeling rejuvenated after seeing her babies.

Her phone started ringing and she saw Pauly's face. She picked up the phone and put it on speaker for the cameras to catch.

Vivian: Hey baby.

Pauly: Hello Mrs. ViviD! How are my ladies today?

Vivian: Good. My parents took the kids, and your mom had some errands so I ran out to do them for her.

Pauly: Of course you did because you're an angel. Well, I just wanted to call and see how you were. The last time I talked to you, you were a little bummed and missed us. *Sighing* Okay my Queen. I'll let you go.

Vivian: Okay my king. I love you. Ciao.

Pauly: I love you more. Ciao.

Vivian smirked at the camera and held a thumbs up.

(Vivian: Being with my girls was a much-needed break. It was nice being with them but I miss my hubby and family. I need some time with adults. *Giggles shaking her head* But of course I can't come home without an entrance. *Smirks*)

Once Vivian was in the house she threw her bags into a closet. She instantly went to her room upstairs and grabbed one of Pauly's sweaters, throwing it on. She then ran downstairs. She set up and hid little confetti cannons and come speakers around the house. She then grabbed a champagne glass and poured some. She then chilled on the back porch, out of view waiting for the family. She had the door cracked so she could hear the family. She then had to wait.


About an hour later she heard the SUVs. She hid against the wall and listened. She heard everyone slowly heading into the house and chatting. She had on her wedding tiara to make this entrance all the more amazing. She heard several of them go upstairs and drinks being cracked open. She smirked at the camera hiding across from her and winked.

She pressed play on her phone and a royal fanfare started playing. She heard Jenni and Snookie screaming Deaner cursing and the others calling out.

The speakers then played, "Heregee Heregee mother fuckers! Your queen has arrived!" as she walked in pressing another button setting off the confetti cannons causing more screams.

Vivian: The Queen is back, order is officially restored!

Pauly in the time it took her to say that sentence bolted down the stairs and up to her. He wrapped her tightly in his arms kissing her as he lifted her. Vivian was shocked but managed to steady her crown as she kissed him back with the same force. Pauly gripped her tightly one hand clenching his sweater she wore the other holding her up.


Vivi reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and laughed breathlessly. Pauly nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck as he held her, silent happy tears fell as he held her. She pouted lightly mouthing to the family that he was crying and held him closer, her hand in his hair.

Pauly: I missed you so much, baby. Never leave me again.

Vivian gently moved his face so he could look at her she pecked his lips than all over his face.

Vivian: I'll do my best to never leave you again baby.

Pauly grinned and kissed her nose before setting her down. He moved behind her and let the family hug her. They all gave her tight hugs kissing her head holding her as close as they could. Once Vinny let go Pauly wrapped his arms around her from behind kissing her head.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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