Alone with Pauly

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The night after the party Vivian packed a bag and went with Pauly to his crib. She climbed out of his car and walked in the house with him. She walked into his house and smiled seeing it was big and beautiful.

Pauly: Welcome to your home for the next few weeks.

Vivian: Well it's beautiful.

Pauly: Glad you like it Vivi. So you can either room with me or separate in the guest room.

Vivian: As long as it's not a twin I'll room with you.

Pauly: Let's go.

Vivian followed him up to his room. She smiled seeing it was like the shore house, a mess with his clothes. Vivian smiled and climbed in the bed. She looked in the nightstand and laughed.

Pauly: What?

Vivian: You have a brand new box of 100 count condoms, what the fuck do you think we're going to be spending the next few weeks fucking like rabbits?

Pauly: Hey I'd rather be prepared.

Vivian: God you keep life interesting.

Pauly: I'm glad you like me in your life.

Vivian: My life has been better with you in it.

Pauly walked over to her and laid on the bed behind her wrapping his arm around her waist. He kissed her shoulder holding her against him. She giggled and laid back on him as they cuddled in the bed for a bit.

Vivian: Do you have any plans for us?

Pauly: Yeah we're going to head downstairs throw on a movie curl up under a blanket and then my mom is going to come over cause all I hear is I want to meet Vivian, so we're going to have you meet her.

Vivian: Now why would she constantly be asking about me?

Pauly: Cause I may be constantly talk about my favorite girl.

Vivian: Well you're full of surprises!

Pauly chuckled and kissed her cheek as he pulled her against his chest. Vivian laughed and laid her head on his shoulder as they cuddled together cuddling against her friend laying her head on his chest.

Pauly: Come on let's make some dinner.

Vivian: How about you get the livingroom set up and I'll get dinner together!

Pauly: Sounds like a date.

Vivian's heart fluttered at the thought. She bit her lip before she headed over to the table. She started making them a nice dinner. Vivian bit her lip as she made Pauly's favorite dinner. As she was cooking Pauly walked in and sat on the counter near her. Vivian was cooking when Pauly realized what she was cooking.

Pauly: You're making my favorite.

Vivian: Yep. Paola gave me her secret recipe saying I'm the only woman that will know it that's not in the family. Even when Vinny gets married. Plus she told me it was going to get you in my arms.

Pauly: Well she's right! I love this dish and you are an amazing cook. This will be an amazing couple of weeks. 

Vivian: Yeah. I still can't believe we are going to go to Italy!!!!

Pauly: I know right? This is going to be the best. 

Vivian: You're a doof. 

Pauly: You love me you know it.

Vivian: Mmmmm.....debatable.

Pauly chuckled and walked over hugging her tightly. Vivian kissed his cheek and snuggled against him. Vivian relaxed against him feeling comfortable.

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