Chapter 33

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Aisha POV

Saladin reaches out to touch the strange ring, but suddenly pulls away, gasping in pain. Awful-looking blisters form on his fingers, before slowly fading away.

"She's literally burning up," Bloom examines her, "I could try and absorb as much of that heat energy as I can, it might make her feel better."

Saladin nods, silently giving Bloom permission to use magic. She does so, commanding the heat out of Flora from a safe distance away. She pulls her hands away, waits a few moments before placing her hand on Flora's "circle". She gasps, "she's even hotter now! All over her body, she literally feels like she's on fire!"

Bloom tries to touch it again and her fingers also break out in blisters, but she doesn't show any signs of pain and they quickly heal due to her magical source being fire.

"What about this?" Roxy offers her necklace to Bloom, who takes it. Bloom tries to absorb all of the magic out of Flora and place it into the necklace.

"Wait- can't the Wizards track us with all of this magic being used?" I quickly ask.

"Well, we don't know exactly if they can, and even if they could, they would have definitely been here by now. I have no doubt that Flora is emitting dark energy from that thing on her neck, so if the Wizards can track us then they won't attack any time soon," Tecna gathers, "but I'm not quite sure what they're waiting for."

"It's not working!" Bloom groans, frustrated, "it takes the magic out of her for a little bit but then she just heats up again! I don't know what else to do, Professor."

Saladin looks on, deep in thought.

Flora, a distressed look on her face, continues to stir as we talk about her situation. I shake my head, "that's why the Wizards waited so long before actually fighting us. They were putting that thing on her neck because they knew we'd get away!"

"That's it-" Saladin quickly gets up from his chair, causing us all to jump, "-this can't wait any longer. I have to call Miss Farag-"

"Winx?" A voice croaks from behind us, taking our attention away from the professor.

"Flora!" We all rush over to the awoken fairy, asking a million questions all at once.

"Whoa, what's going on?" She laughs slightly, "I was just having weird dreams, honestly, I'm fine-"

She stops, before noticing that we were not in our room, "where are we? Why am I here?"

"Flora, you've been asleep for a few days," I begin, "your skin gave Bloom and Professor Saladin blisters it was that hot!"

She pauses before putting a hand on her own forehead, shrugging, "I feel fine."

"But-" I reach out to touch her head too, pulling my hand away to find it unburned.

We also point out the ring on her neck, which has not changed since she woke up, but Flora doesn't seem to feel any sort of pain or dark energy. She continues to insist she's fine, but I frown suspiciously.

"You don't feel anything?" I ask repeatedly, putting my hand on Flora's forehead and then to the ring on her neck, which is just as noticeable as ever.

"Aisha, I'm fine," she tiredly shrugs off my hand, "I'm just exhausted."

"Okay," I sigh, giving in, and I sling an arm around her shoulder comfortingly.

"I think we should all get to bed," Tecna suggests, and I notice how dark it is outside the school. We all nod in agreement and head to our room.

I keep a close eye on Flora, but she doesn't seem to be acting suspicious at all. Our beds are all still right next to each other, and Roxy keeps a small lamp turned on on the desk across the room. We all quickly went to bed and I closed my eyes, my head swirling with thoughts of the day.

Occasionally, I cracked open an eye to check on Flora. She was lying, eyes open and staring at the ceiling, but she wasn't acting suspicious at all. She lay, unmoving. She didn't look in pain. Eventually, I relaxed enough to close my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

Until I sprung awake.

A loud alarm rang through my ears. I took me a few seconds to actually wake up, my heart pounding from the shock of the loud alarm. I heard a few of the girls yelling something, and it wasn't until I looked around the room I noticed-

"Flora!" I gasp, but no one could actually hear each other due to the blaring alarm.

Flora was gone.

Still unable to hear each other, I run towards the room door and swing it open. At that moment I didn't really care that we were all in our pyjamas. I tried yelling for Saladin, but it was pointless as it felt as though the alarm was continuously getting louder.

I lost the girls, in a desperate attempt to find Flora.

I called her name repeatedly, practically shoving aside the poor students who were in my path. They were all in uniform, even though it was the middle of the night. It was pitch black outside, but the hallway lights were blinding as I wasn't sure if I had fully woken up yet. I felt slightly dizzy from being rushed out of bed and the panic that was starting to set in. Flora was gone, and due to past experiences I knew there was I high chance I would not find her.

I looked around and noticed that everyone was gone.

"Someone has left the school without permission, and that person has been strong enough to break down out protective barriers with ease," Saladin informs us.  I had rushed to his office when I couldn't find the others, and found them all trying to help him switch off the alarm. It eventually went off, but all the students were still guarding in and around the school.

"Flora," I nod, knowing that he was hinting at the Nature Fairy.

"Yes," he also nods, "and she must have had huge amounts of magic to be able to break the barrier in one strike. I reviewed the security system and the barrier was only open for a few seconds. Once it closed, the alarm started. That barrier is extremely hard to break, girls, which is why I am even more concerned."

Stella scoffs, ""the wizards have brainwashed her right under our noses!"

Saladin shakes his head, hurrying over to his desk and pulls out a large glowing box with some written-on paper inside.

"I need to contact Miss Faragonda."

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