Chapter 30

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Flora POV

"Move! Move! Move!"

Many suited people wearing helmets rush out of a small gap that forms in the barrier, and before we realise what's happening we are ushered into the school. They were shouting strange orders and codes that I didn't understand, and spoke onto small radios. Ignoring our protests and questions, we were led into the almost unrecognisable school.

It looked like some sort of military base- well, Red Fountain was always about training the guys to fight, but it was never this intense. Things definitely were different since we left for Earth. We were basically shoved along the halls, and I recognised us to be close to Professor Saladin's office.

"Get in!" The men opened the doors and quickly closed them behind us all. Two of them stood in guarded position in front of each door and we all, utterly shocked, turned to see Professor Saladin sitting in his chair, arms folded.

It reminded me an awful lot of Miss Faragonda, is this what deja-vu feels like?

"Winx, I am very glad to see you all," he states before rising from his chair, moving to the front of his desk and leaning on it.

"Professor Saladin! What happened?" Bloom asks.

"I'm afraid this situation is much more serious than we realised," he shakes his head, "although I'm sure you've all figured this out by now."

We nod, explaining how we were sent to Earth undercover and stayed for many weeks, and then were eventually found and attacked by the Wizards.

"Yes, I lost all contact with Alfea and even Cloud Tower, so the teachers, students and I took it upon ourselves to put the school in complete lockdown. We need to defend our school and bring down these men," he nods with a solemn look on his face, "and I would be honoured if you girls joined the fight. You are welcome to stay here as long as you need to."

"Well, we don't really have anywhere else to go," I shrug, "so thank you."

"Yeah, we don't want to split up or endanger our home planets," Aisha explains.

"Of course not," he nods, "I also understand that Sky, Brandon, Helia, Riven, Nabu and Timmy went missing recently and I want you all to know that I will do absolutely everything in my power to retrieve them. We will get them back."

The girls and I nod gratefully, it was clear how much the Professor and the other guys at Red Fountain cared about our boyfriends. However, I knew that it was going to be very difficult to get them back. It wasn't guaranteed, but we had to think positively, now wasn't a time to become miserable. The girls and I needed each other.

"Unfortunately, besides the barrier outside, there isn't much magic here and I'm afraid I can't help you in that area. I am working on contacting Miss Faragonda and any of the higher-ups in the Magic Dimension but until then you will have to train you magic and keep strong yourselves," he tells us.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine on our own," Roxy smiles respectfully.

"Well, I'll give you anything you need and I know the boys here will be happy to help," he offers.

"Thank you," a few of us thank him in unison and some smile or nod respectfully.

"Professor, I know you say it's not a problem but- what if the Wizards come here after us? They probably will, and I feel guilty for putting this school in danger," I frown, "they are after me, after all."

"Don't be silly, Flora," he shakes his head firmly, "we are more than prepared, I assure you."

I nod, though still a little unsure of the situation. I wasn't going to simply hand myself in, of course, but I still felt bad.

"Hey, remember the first few times we fought the Wizards? The Specialists probably did more damage back then than we did, so I'm sure there's nothing to worry about," Roxy laughs, "the students here are probably much stronger than we think."

Soon after, we left the office. We took a tour around Red Fountain and were also all given walkie-talkies that allowed us to directly talk to Saladin in an emergency. We were given temporary rooms which was also very kind, but I couldn't help but linger on the thought that we couldn't go outside. The barrier was very close to the school, so that it was stronger and therefore less magic was wasted, but it also meant we couldn't go very far. I didn't really want to be away from the safety of all of the students who were clearly taking this very seriously.

Led by Aisha, we found ourselves in what looked like a gym or training hall which was completely empty- no one was really around following our shock arrival. Everyone seemed to either be in their rooms or patrolling the school. Since our boyfriends were so popular at the school, we were recognised by almost everyone we passes. The others seemed far too focused and barely acknowledged us.

"Yes!" Aisha squeals excitedly and I roll my eyes but smile.

"You go on ahead, there's something I need to do," I tell them with a smile, and after insisting a few times that I should train with them they let me go.

The whole back wall was basically a huge window, and it was calming to sit next to. Luckily, I spotted what I was looking for.

A small plant on the ledge of a small shelf above training supplies, at least they still respect nature, even if it is only a little plant.

Stella plops down next to me with an exasperated sigh and I laugh, "tired already?"

"Training isn't really for me," she fiddles with her nails, "I mean, magic and stuff is fine but not all that crazy stuff Aisha does."

I turn around, spotting Aisha leading the rest of the girls, even Roxy, in an exercise routine and I laugh at the look on all of their faces.

Stella rests her cheek on the palm of her hand, "we've went from being trapped on Earth to being trapped here!"

"True," I smile, holding the leaves of the plant in my hand, "but we need to make the best of it. We will, just you wait."

She smiles gratefully, "I guess so- but I miss Alfea and I miss Brandon."

I give her a quick side hug before trying to distract her, "here, help me with this really quick."

She nods and I instruct her to place her hands on the soil of the plant pot. I place my own on top and close my eyes. Feeling the aura of the nature, Stella's sun magic allows the little plant to grow until little flowers and leaves were blossoming all along the empty wall of the training hall. Stella waves her hand and a small section of the ceiling is replaced with glass so that the sunlight shines onto the plants. The girls cheer and we high-five.

As I looked out the window, I only saw the barrier and the flying ships, a few guards patrolling the grounds, but with the girls with me I knew we would make the most of our time at Red Fountain.

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