Chapter 2

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Flora POV

"We're going back?" Bloom asks anxiously.

"Why not?" Aisha asks, trying to convince Bloom and Stella to agree.

"Ugh- I just- there's some bad memories connected to Alfea," Stella shudders.

"And there's some amazing ones, too! Come on girls, why are we letting something that happened over a year ago still control our lives?" Musa encourages.

"Yeah," I agree hesitantly, although in truth I was having my own doubts about going back. She's right, I can't let the Wizards control me. They're gone, and that's how it's going to stay.

"Okay," Bloom nods, "we've been back to Alfea a few times before, why are we all so nervous?" She laughs.

"I guess it's because it's nearly time for us to properly use our powers again. I don't know about you all but I haven't used mine fully in a long time," I suggest and the girls nod.

"Well, we're going to need them to teach!" Bloom says excitedly.

Stella groans, "is it nearly time for that?"

"I thought you loved to teach, Stell," Musa giggles.

"Yeah it's great and all but we don't really properly teach them," she sighs.

"No, you don't properly teach them because you never paid attention in class. Most classes for that matter," Aisha comments.

"But I passed nearly all of my exams! And, I mean, they're inviting me to teach too!" She exclaims.

"It's more complicated than that," I tell her, "if we handed you a textbook now you wouldn't have a clue what to do with it!"

"Well, yeah, but does that matter?" She asks and we nod, laughing.

We agreed, eventually, to go back to Alfea. It always gave me a slight sinking feeling in my stomach. Everywhere we had fought, not just with the Wizards, but all of our past enemies. It was always so unpredictable at Alfea. That's what made me uneasy.

Barely knocking, we flood into the Headmistress' office.

"Well, hello girls," she smiles widely, clearly expecting our arrival. We all greet her equally cheery.

"I'm ready to teach!" Stella pumps her fist into the air and we laugh.

"Well then, I suppose you're ready for all the training that comes before it?" Miss Faragonda asks and Stella slowly pulls back her fist which was still in the air.

"Huh? But we didn't have any training last time!" Stella pouts, and we all share equally confused glances.

"Does this mean we'll be proper teachers?" I ask.

The Headmistress nods at me and then turns to Stella, "you were only assistant teachers a few years ago. I know you're all far too busy to become permanent teachers, but the fairies here admire you all. It would mean a great deal to them if you could come in and teach a few classes now and again."

"Yes, but luckily there's enough teachers here that you don't actually need us permanently," Musa shrugs, "that means we won't have a very strict teaching schedule."

"Oh! Speaking of that!" She sits up straight in her chair, "that's why I offered you to teach. There's something I must show you. Follow me."

We follow her down the hall to the infirmary. She opens the door, motioning us to follow her inside. I couldn't believe my eyes. A number of teachers were lying on medical beds, clearly in pain.

"This has been happening over a few months. Many of our teachers have suddenly fallen ill, and there's no known explanation for it. I've tried my hardest, but I just can't figure out why. It surely isn't a coincidence," she looks at us all, observing our reactions, "they've all been very weak, some can barely stand. Many have been absent from teaching for weeks now, I've visited them in their homes to try and come to some sort of conclusion, but-"

She pauses and we observe the sick teachers. It's so strange seeing them like this. Something's definitely going on.

"Have you contacted any other schools?" Tecna asks.

"Yes, I contacted Cloud Tower and Red Fountain. Cloud Tower is almost the same, but I've been told everyone is fine at Red Fountain," Miss Faragonda tells us.

"So it must be something to do with magic," Bloom notes, "but then wouldn't we all be sick too?"

What about this morning in the shop? I've been sleeping in and Stella definitely isn't herself!

"I also came to that conclusion, but nothing is making sense," Miss Faragonda places her hand on her hip, "magical viruses can be passed-"

"Magical viruses?" Stella gasps.

"It's like a normal virus that can be passed around and make humans ill, but in this cause it can weaken fairies. But on such a large scale- and they're not healing!" She exclaims.

"I had no idea that existed," the Sun Fairy's eyed widened, "I thought we basically never got sick, right? Right?"

"That doesn't matter right now, Stella," Musa shakes her head, "we need to figure out what's going on."

Soon after we leave the room. I was starting to feel a bit odd in a room full of ill teachers. I sighed, "that was strange. What do you think-"


Multiple groans can be heard as we all are pushed to the floor. I look up, only to see bright hair, followed by a bright green outfit, "Chatta! Pixies!"

Why do they do this every time they see us? We're not gone for that long, are we?

"How's everyone? What have you been doing?" Lockette asks excitedly, looking at us with wide eyes.

Bloom sits up on her elbows, "well, until now we've just been looking after Love and Pet. But Miss Faragonda asked us to come back here to help out with teaching. Did you know lots of the teachers are sick?"

Her pixie nods, "yes we heard. It's been the same over at Pixie Village. I've been feeling a little dizzy over the past few days, myself," she frowns.

The other pixies voice their agreement, and we look at each other worriedly. Will that happen to us? How will we get to the bottom of this if we're all sick?

"Well, let's not worry about that right now," Aisha catches Piff, who had just fallen asleep, in her hands, "the girls and I will do our teacher training and stay here at Alfea. We will all keep our eyes open for any signs of trouble. Will you pixies help us with that?"

The pixies nod.

"Speaking of pixies, what about we go to Pixie Village? We can help the sick pixies, but maybe the Tree of Life can help us?" I suggest.

"Of course! I forgot about the Tree of Life!" Aisha stands up, "come on, let's go!"

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