Chapter 34

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Helia POV

"Timmy, sit down, it's not going to work," I shake my head.

He ignores me, instead scratching his head and slumping in his seat. He mumbled to himself while whacking the keys of his computer.

Riven scoffs, "Timmy, this is a simulation, we aren't even here. You can't contact the outside world with a simulated computer."

"I know that!" He groans, "but if I can override the simulation somehow-"

"I have to agree with Riven," Sky sighs, "Ogron and his boyfriends can easily make that computer disappear if they find it, so you'd better be careful."

Brandon and I laugh at Sky's comment and Timmy simply doesn't reply. He continues to type furiously and we all decide to just leave him alone. He would eventually realise that it was pointless.

"I still don't really understand this place," Nabu looks around, "how long have we been here?"

"There's no way of telling," Brandon shrugs.

"Who knows how long they'll keep up in here so they can study us," I shrug, "but it's really annoying knowing that they're just using us to figure out how to defeat the other guys at Red Fountain and the Winx."

"Yeah, well, they don't really come in too often," Nabu adds.

"I want them to come in!" Riven swings his sword.

"Careful," I laugh, "remember what happened last time?"

"Yeah Riven," Brandon laughs, "these guys can manipulate this world however they want, remember? They could just make us disappear if they wanted so lets at least use our consciousness to our advantage."

"Well its not just us," Riven throws his sword into the ground. It begins to grow and grow, and doesn't show any signs of stopping. Riven holds out his hand smugly, seemingly commanding the sword to grow.

"Okay, okay," Sky laughs, waving him off, "you'd better stop that before it grows to the size of this entire world!"

Riven scoffs, and waves his hand a little before bringing it back to his side. The sword continues to grow, I was convinced it was at least double the size of Riven, who was now beginning to slowly back away.

"Riven make it stop!" Nabu yells as the sword continues to get bigger.

"I did! I mean- I tried-" Riven stares down at his hands and then back at the sword.

"Make it stop!" Sky repeats Nabu's words.

"If it's so easy why don't you do it?" Riven yells back.

"Uh, I think we should probably start running-" I interrupt the two, and even Timmy looks up from his computer.

We take off running in the other direction, but the sword's growth rate increases.

"Hey!" Brandon tries to get our attention as we run, "you're all forgetting we can manipulate reality! Let's use that to our advantage."

I nod at him, and turn to face a large river in our way. This world looked exactly like reality, the Wizards seemingly couldn't be bothered to create something new or interesting. I was honestly offended, but it also meant we could navigate ourselves quite well. We had all been trained in survival skills and could find our way out.

Sky flings his own sword in front of him, and it grows. Sky has more control over it than Riven, and it grows just enough to form a bridge across the wide river. We run across it, and when we're all across Sky, with apparently more mental control than Riven previously had, draws it back to his own hand.

"Nice!" Brandon grins, giving Sky a thumbs-up while we continue to run.

"Thanks, but we can't keep running forever!" Sky looks behind him, and the growing sword continues to, well, grow.

"Agreed," I nod. We were all pretty used to running, so could keep going for a while if we had to.

"Hey! What if we try and shrink it?" Timmy suggests.

"Can we do that?" Nabu asks, looking back at the sword.

"We won't know if we don't try," I add.

"Uh- how do we try?" Brandon asks.

"Just really think about it shrinking!" Sky replies, unable to really properly explain it.

I tried really hard to focus on the sword shrinking. I hadn't used my imagination for much in this world, we had just made our flying boards appear and weird structures of out levitating blocks when we were bored.

I was so deep in thought I hadn't noticed that everyone else had stopped running.

"I think we did it," Brandon smiles and I walk over. The sword was shrinking, but at a slower pace than it grew. It was good enough, at least.

We began to walk back, all bursting into laughter except for Riven who huffishly walked ahead.

"Don't be angry Riven, that's the most action that's happened our whole time in here!" Sky laughs. We all agreed to continue to think of shrinking the sword as we returned to where we were before.

Suddenly, the sword turns grey, crumbles, and falls to the ground as though it never existed. We speed up the pace, turning into a run to see what was going on.

"Ogron!" Riven yells from ahead of us, and we see the four levitating men above where Riven originally threw the sword.

"Having fun, I see?" The red-haired wizard chuckles and we remain silent.

"Unfortunately for you we didn't bring you in here for fun," Duman adds, still in the air.

"Who would've guessed?" Brandon mutters sarcastically under his breath, but the wizards still seem to hear.

Four large, black bear-like creatures appear surrounding us, one summoned by each Wizard.

"Unless you want to get hurt, I'd suggest you defend yourselves," Gantlos laughs.

"Remember your bodies are in the real world with us, we can destroy them at any time if you don't fight," Anagan joins in, "well, we will dispose of you sooner or later when you are no longer of use."

"And we now have Flora and will soon be in possession of the rest of the fairies, so I'd suggest you do as we say," Ogron waves his hand, signalling the "bears" to attack.

Without thinking, I angrily throw my sword in the air to Ogron's direction. Before it hits him, the four men disappear into black clouds, laughing loudly.

"Helia! We can't hurt them! I promise we'll help the girls but right now we just have to do what they say," Nabu calls in my direction and I compose myself.

"No way! They want us to fight so they can study us. This isn't real anyway, we can just-" Sky begins before he is struck down, yelling in pain. Brandon quickly yanks him away.

"Come on," Nabu sighs, "let's just get this over with."

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