Chapter 39

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Flora POV

The room was dark. So dark that I had to squint my eyes for most of the time. I leaned back into the chair, resting my feet on another in front of me. My head leaned back and I stared at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. What to do?

I clicked my fingers, and the chair in front of me lit on fire, boring.

Waving my hand, the potted plan in front of me shrivelled up, turning dark in colour compared to it's previous vibrant green, yawn.

"Who do they think they are, telling me to stay put?" I scoffed, glancing at my nails.

Bossing me around, I rolled my eyes, I need to be doing things for myself.

"It's about time I had a little fun."

Bloom POV

It was still dark out when I woke up. I sat up, swinging my legs over the bed and rubbing my eyes. Well, I hadn't really slept.

This was it. If our plan failed, the wizards would have full control of the magic dimension, and probably Earth, too, if they wanted. They could rule over- anywhere  they wanted.

It was horrifying.

I got "ready" but my mind was very preoccupied. A few of the girls woke up soon after, apparently they didn't sleep very well either. The sun was just beginning to rise when we reached Miss Faragonda's office, but we knew she was awake.

"Gather the other students," she instructed, a solemn look on her face. We split up silently and made our way along the halls, knocking on doors as a signal for them to make their way outside soon.

We stood in our pre-planned space, closer to the wizards than anyone else. Time passed extremely slowly. After what felt like an hour, but could have been less, everyone was in position. It was important that all students were visible, if the wizards found anyone sneaking around, they would assume we were planning an attack and attack us first.

The sun had now fully risen, but there was something off about it. It was dim. The sky turned black and stormy, and I could practically hear the entire courtyard hold it's breath.


We all giggled, clinking together our smoothie glasses before bringing them to our lips.

"I can't believe we've done all this together! I mean, I know we're not safe but, think of all we've achieved!" I praise my friends, "we deserve this little break."

Roxy smiles, "I can't believe how much my life has changed for the better because of you girls."

"We're lucky to have you with us, Roxy," Musa pats her shoulder a little, smiling.

"Yeah we are!" Stella giggles, "and, not to mention everything Flora's had to put up with! We wouldn't be here without her!"

The rest of us voice our agreement. Flora's cheeks tint a slight pink, "oh, come on guys. We've done it together."

"Well, I promise we will protect you from those evil guys, no matter if you go evil mode on us again," Stella giggles.

"Oh, well, my mind is at ease, thank you Stell," Flora rolls her eyes playfully.

"Seriously though," Tecna nods, "we will always find a way to beat them. No matter what. We'll protect you, Flora, and each other."

"Oh, girls," Flora's eyes begin to water slightly and we all stand up, pulling into a big group hug.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised," a loud laugh echoes through the sky and my heart jumps in my chest, "surrendering like the weak little fairies you are."

"We definitely weren't expecting this many," Duman smirks, "but the more the merrier, eh Ogron?"

"Absolutely," the red haired man laughs again, "Gantlos, check the perimeter. Make sure we don't have anyone hiding."

Gantlos nods and disappears into a black cloud. I was thankful that everyone was out and visible.

"It's hilarious seeing them like this," Anagan smirks.

"I want you all to remember this day, fairies and- others," Ogron begins, "your surrender marks the beginning of our rule. We have your so called "leaders" and all those who have posed a threat to us. Except for a few of course, but that will be dealt with," his eyes shift towards us and I gulp.

"But do not think we are naïve,"  he waves his hand and a black trail of smoke emerges from it.

As it passes all the students and teachers, they find their feet rooted to the ground, unable to move them, "just in case you get any ideas."

The Winx and I look at each other in confusion, why didn't he do that to us?

I glance over to Roxy, who we agreed we didn't want to put in danger and so she stood witht he other students. She looked equally as confused, unable to move her own feet.

"-and now, the best for last," Ogron looks at us again, "get ready for the end of the world as you know it."

Helia POV

I gasped, my eyes shooting open, chest heaving as I sat up. The other guys had woken up, too, he really did it!

"Timmy! You did it!" Sky pats his back and laughs excitedly.

"Of course I did," Timmy smirks slightly. I knew he had slight doubts at the time about his plan, but I let him have his little victory moment before we all stood up.

"How do we get out of here?" Brandon wonders aloud, grabbing onto and attempting to pull back the iron bars of our cell.

"Stand aside," Nabu takes off a ring on his finger, which he throws into the air and it turns into his staff.

"So that's where you put that," I cocked my head to the side slightly in amusement. It was a wonder the wizards hadn't found it, but clever Nabu had come through once again, and we were finally free from our simulation.

In a single swoop, Nabu uses his magic to completely destroy the bars, setting us free from our cell.

"Let's go!" Riven motions us out of the cell. We begin to run through the halls, desperate to get out, but as we run we notice something unusual.

"Hey guys, there's more people in here!" I draw their attention to a dark cell, but I could definitely see the outline of figures inside.

With the aid of Nabu's magic, we enter the cell and try to talk to the trapped people. They can't talk much, so we quietly whisper that we need to help them get out of here. Helping them stand, we lead the prisoners outside of these "cells" into a place that we thought would be safe for the time being.

Entering again, we realise there a few more cells, some empty and others filled with a few people here and there. We do a quick scan of the area to make sure no one else is trapped inside.

The people could barely walk, never mind speak to us. Most were fairies who seemed to be extremely weak in their magic which must have been taken from them, a typical move for Ogron.

A woman with purple hair eventually sits up. I walk over to her and crouch down beside her, "are you alright?"

"I believe I can find us a way out of here."

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