Chapter 26

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Flora POV

"What do we do?" I whisper quietly, worried that if I made too loud a noise the seemingly hypnotised people would react.

The girls did not respond, and instead began to slowly, very slowly, stand up from our table they were sat at.

"Roxy, remember that necklace Miss Faragonda gave you?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah?" She responds.

I turn to look at her, "do you have it with you?"

She nods, pulling the necklace out from her pocket, while keeping a close eye on the hypnotised customers around her.

"Give it to me," I wave my hand and she gently throws the necklace into my hands. I closely examine it while the other girls keep a close eye on everyone around us.

"What are you doing?" Bloom asks quietly after a few moments.

"Figuring out how to use this if we have to," I reply, focusing my stare at Rick, Roxy's dad, who seemed to be staring intently at the necklace, "hold on-"

I slowly begin to walk to the side, and the stares of all the people follow me, but it's not me they're interested in.

"Roxy, you haven't used this, have you? I mean, it can't be used as a magical beacon, right?" I ask.

"No! Miss Faragonda promised me that we couldn't use it to be tracked down! You have to go through a whole process to actually activate it's magic, so it's safe in that way," Roxy's voice becomes slightly louder and we all motion for her to be quiet.

"Then why are they all staring at it?" I reply.

The girls quickly catch on and notice it too, but Bloom shakes her head, "they weren't looking at it before, they were all looking in different places. I'm sure of it!"

"Well now that they've seen it they must know that it's magical," Musa states.

"What if we move and they follow us?" My voice is back at a whisper now.

"Well if we don't move then we'll starve to death!" Stella whispers frantically, "we have to do something!"

"Okay, just-" I slowly look around before motioning the girls to walk behind me, "-follow me, slowly, carefully."

We crept away from our table, and the people of the bar's eyes followed us lifelessly. Thankfully, none of them got up or made any sudden moves. I silently handed Roxy her necklace for her own protection, Miss Faragonda likely gave her it for a reason.

"They don't seem to be moving," Musa points out seconds after I think it and I nod.

We pick up the pace and quickly hurry out of the bar, picking our pace up into a run. Then a breathless sprint. Running as far away from the bar as possible.

Looking around, I notice that the streets are almost completely empty. That wouldn't be too unusual, but the people that were out were standing still. Looking at us with the same dull, lifeless eyes as everyone at the bar. We manoeuvred our way around stopped cars and busses, drivers and passengers turning their heads to follow us.

Aisha, slightly ahead of the rest of us due to her impressive athletic abilities, leads us into an empty alleyway to let us all catch our breath. I silently thanked her, believing that if we had ran any more my legs would actually give out from both the exercise and adrenaline. Actually, my heart would probably give out from fright before my legs. My legs gave way slightly as I sat down, feeling as though I could never get back up.

"That- was-" Stella tries to breathe out, unable to finish her sentence and we all just nod to save her efforts. None of us could speak very well.

After catching my breath I finally speak, "we need to get out of here as soon as possible! Preferably off of Earth altogether, this has to be the work of the Wizards in some way or another."

"Okay, but we need to find a quicker way than running, and a way to stay out of the open," Aisha tells us.

Musa elbows Bloom, "hey, what about that?"

It wasn't long before I noticed the sound of a running engine, a loud one, and I turned to see a large bus parked across from the alley. I frowned in confusion, "where is the driver and the passengers? The engine shouldn't be running if no one's in it, right?"

"Yeah, but if it's a way out I'll sure take it!" Roxy enthusiastically jogs across the street and we cautiously follow. The staring people sent chills down my spine. I was waiting for them to move suddenly, jump at once to attack us and take Roxy's necklace, or do something scary, but they never. They just continued to stare, unmoving.

"Look!" Roxy exclaimed, "the keys are still in!"

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Aisha pushes past us and sits on the driver's seat, grasping the wheel with both hands, "let's get out of here!"

We all take a seat, kicking our legs up onto the seats and I rest my elbows on the back of the seat in front and on top of my own seat. Aisha pulls out of the parking space and accelerates down the street. She was always a great driver, but she was going especially fast.

"Slow down!" Stella calls from the back of the bus.

"Sorry!" Aisha replies and slows down a little.

"Woah!" We exclaim as she swivels around cars stationary in the street, before suddenly coming to a halt. One of my legs fall off the seat and I quickly stop myself from falling off completely. I exhale deeply and sit back up.

When Aisha doesn't respond or make some sort of response, I slightly limp to the front of the bus. She was breathing deeply, head down. I look in front of us and jump, a young girl, presumably a little younger than us, was staring back at me.

"I nearly hit her," Aisha suddenly smacks the steering wheel and sighs.

"Are you alright?" I ask and she nods. I aid her out of the driver's seat and sit her next to Bloom.

"I'll drive," I tell the girls and they nod. I reverse away from the girl and find another small road, but quickly come across another problem.

A much, much, bigger one.

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