| Epilogue |

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Flora POV

It was a beautiful day at Alfea. The sky had been covered in dark, thick clouds for so long that it was a relief for the sun to be out.

"Do you remember what to do, Flora?" Miss Faragonda snapped my attention away from the sky, and I nodded quickly.

I grabbed the small glass in front of me and drank the coloured liquid in one gulp. I scrunched up my face at the taste before wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, at least it distracted me from my nerves for a minute.

Miss Faragonda and some of her "friends" - leaders of the Magic Dimension - had arranged a ceremony to remove me of my condition once and for all. I would no longer be a target for my unusual ability and there was no chance of me blacking out and going evil mode again. The spell was apparently easier to do now that my magic was gone. Well, not gone, I already knew about core magic and knew that although it would take a while my magic would be at it's full potential again.

"Alright, just take a seat Flora," Miss Faragonda's voice becomes a little distorted as I feel hands guide me to a chair, "don't worry, it's normal to feel a little dizzy."

The familiar woman with purple hair approaches me and puts her hand over my eyes.


"Flora, wake up!"

"Hmm-?" My eyes shoot open as I see the five girls hovering above me.

"You passed out, but you're free! Your condition and any traces of dark magic are gone! They finished the ceremony," Aisha tells me and I give a small smile.

"Yeah, everyone else's gone but they congratulated us all on everything we've done," Musa adds.

"We've all agreed to stay humble now that we're heroes," Stella winks and I giggle.

"And Miss Faragonda says we can teach once a week at Alfea!" Tecna smiles, "Roxy might help out when she graduates next year."

"We're going to go see her now, if you want to come?" Bloom asks.

I pause, before looking around, "thanks, girls, but I'm still feeling a little sick from that ceremony. I'll catch up with you later, I'm going to go find Helia."

The Wizards are really gone for good, huh? I glanced around, sitting on the fountain.

The evil men were trapped in a completely sealed off Black Circle. They had no magic, and the magic they had stolen was returned to it's rightful owners. More or less.

The atmosphere in the Black Circle was completely without magic, so there was nowhere for the wizards to get theirs back and there was nowhere to enter or exit the dimension. They were alone, and rightly so. Of course, I was still a little worried from time to time, but I learned to just get over it and enjoy things as they are.

"Ready to go home?" A pair of arms wraps around my shoulders.

I smile, not turning around, "give me a sec', I just want to sit for a little longer."

"But you'll be coming back to Alfea every week after the Summer," Helia chuckles, sitting next to me, "congratulations on your ceremony, by the way."

I lean my head onto his shoulder and sigh, "thanks. I just can't believe that it's over. I literally cannot believe it."

"I know," he nods, "it'll take you a while to fully relax. We've spent so, so long fighting them that it'll feel strange. But I promise you that we're going to be fine. The most you'll have to worry about is picking out tiles for the kitchen."

I giggle, "that sounds good."

Yeah, he and I were planning on moving in together. Helia was generous enough to move to Linphea with me, as he knows how important it is for my soul to be on my home planet, surrounded by nature.

In fact, the Winx and I were all planning on permanently moving to our own dimensions soon. Well, more or less, but everyone was settling into their new lives nicely and it had only been three months ago. I was surprisingly relaxed. Maybe it was my intuition, or maybe I was just tired of being paranoid. Either way, it was a nice change.

It would be nice spending more time with Miele, who is close to graduating from college. Speaking of, where-?

"Hey you two!" An arm wraps around mine and Helia's neck and pulls us in tight.

Helia chuckles, ruffling my sister's hair, "I hope you haven't been raiding the snacks."

"Hey! What makes you say that?" She pulls away, cotton candy smeared all over her mouth.

I look at Helia, biting back a laugh and he shrugs, "I don't know, just a guess."

Shortly after she heads off, and I quickly kiss Helia on the cheek before telling him I have to go do something. Exiting the Alfea grounds, I make my way through the maze of trees until I hear a familiar high-pitched chatter of voices up ahead.

"Chatta?" I call out to my pixie, "Chatta?"

"Flora! How did the ceremony go?" She zooms to my side and I giggle.

"Great, all that dark stuff is out of me now," I smile.

"But you're without magic?" She asks, frowning.

"It's alright, I'll get it back, it just takes a while," I assure her, "besides, it's kind of cleansing in a way, and I can still connect with nature."

"Well, why don't you stay and play with us for a while?" She looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, Chatta, I'm sorry. Helia and I are just about to leave for Linphea. I came to say goodbye," I tell her and she nods softly, "I promise I'll visit often."

After waving a quick goodbye to the pixies, I leave Pixie Village and my pace picks up into a jog, worried I'd be late for going home.

"Ready to go?" Helia asks once I return.

"Just one more thing-" I see the girls standing nearby and run over to them.

"Hey, girls?" I begin and they nod, "thanks for everything, you know, with the wizards and stuff."

"Of course, Flora," Bloom nods.

"I told you it'd work out, didn't I?" Aisha smirks.

"You're acting as if you're never going to see us again," Stella giggles, slinging an arm around my shoulder, "I'll be texting you all every day on the new inter-dimensional phones Tecna gave us and we'll be doing weekly classes soon enough!"

"Not to mention all the royal balls we'll be attending," Musa winks and we all laugh.

We all pull into a group hug, promising to meet up again very soon and get on different Red Fountain ships to take us home.

Helia and I make it to Linphea and he gasps, "it's easy to forget how amazing this place is."

"Come on," I giggle at his awe, and nudge him in the direction of our new home.

The sun was just beginning to set, and the beautiful golden light reflected off of the trees. I grabbed Helia's hand and squeezed it tightly as we walked.

"Here's to a new beginning."

A/N - thank you all so much for all of the support on this book! There will be no sequel etc so I wanted to do an epilogue. I've had so much fun writing this, so thanks for reading, love u <3

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