Chapter 20

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Flora POV

"It is my last bit of magic," Miss Faragonda sighs deeply, "this will keep you hidden, so I am allowing you to go back to Gardenia. No one must know you are there, not even your father, Roxy."

Roxy frowns, "why not?"

"If the Wizards come looking for you they will use their powers to manipulate people into giving them information. No one must know anything," she shakes her head, "now, no one will recognise you. You won't look any different, but to other people you will. You will be seen but not paid any attention by the spell. Do you understand?"

Uh, not really, I thought, but nodded anyway. We still didn't fully understand what was going on, but Miss Faragonda had convinced us to run to Gardenia, "they shouldn't expect you on Earth, so hopefully it should buy us all some time until we get help."

The "Leaders" still weren't responding to Miss Faragonda, so we were basically stranded, and because we were at Alfea everyone else around us became targets, too. We couldn't contact Miss Faragonda at all- that would be using magic which none of us could do. Even though we probably couldn't be detected, it was safer just to not use magic nor draw any attention to ourselves.

We quickly grabbed anything from our Alfea rooms we may need, we can't waste any more time here. The effects from the attack are still fresh and Miss Faragonda needs to move the school before another one happens!

"Here," she gives me a small, round object, it almost looked like a pebble, "this will teleport you to a few hours away from Gardenia on Earth. This means that even if you are tracked down, it will be to the wrong place. Before you use it, make sure you are far away from the school."

"But how do we get to Gardenia from there?" Stella asks.

"I think I could get someone to come pick us up-" Roxy begins, but is cut off by the Headmistress.

"No, no one must know you are there. Besides, when you teleport your protection spell will activate meaning no one will recognise you," she hands Roxy a small purse, "I believe this should be enough Earth money to get you to Gardenia safely."

Roxy takes a long look inside and then nods, "yeah, this should be fine. How did you get this?"

The older woman just smiles with a grin, "I've been to Earth myself a few times, you know. The place I am sending you should be safe enough, but please refrain from using your magic at all costs. I'm not taking it away from you for emergencies but please be careful!"

We all nod and reassure her we will be safe.

"Wait- Miss Faragonda?" I ask and she turns around, "how will any of these leaders contact you if you can't use magic?"

"Don't worry, I've send a message that I made sure would at least reach them letting them know what we are doing, they will be able to find us if they need to," she explains and we just nod.

A lot of this complicated none of us really understood, but we agreed with what she said anyway.

"So, we just walk really far away and teleport to Earth?" I ask once more, checking we were definitely heading in the right direction.

"Yes," the Headmistress nods before explaining the plan again. She notices our worried expressions and chuckles, "don't worry girls, you'll be just fine!"

We hesitantly agree. I feel butterflies in my chest as I am handed the "teleporting device". This was a lot of pressure, and if it failed we could be stranded in the forest. Alfea was going to disappear for who knows how long and we would have no contact with anyone whatsoever. We couldn't contact anyone on Earth either, it was going to be quite lonely, but at least we were together.

As the Headmistress ran inside to get the other teachers to explain the situation to them further and to say goodbye, we fall into silence.

"We're going to be on our own," Stella mutters, frowning, "do we really have to do this?"

"I don't think we have much of a choice, Stell," I sigh, "we just need to hide out for a bit until we get help. If the whole school is having a lockdown then it must be really serious."

"Hey, think about it this way, we can pretend we're human and have new identities and it'll be so fun!" Aisha smiles, "we can make up new names and pretend to be different people!"

Musa laughs, "that would be fun."

"See? Doesn't seem so bad now, does it?" Bloom nudges Stella playfully.

"But- but we won't be able to contact our families! Or Miss Faragonda, or any other fairies! Or use magic!" She gasps dramatically, "I forgot we can't use magic!"

It did seem a little scary, but I was trying to stay calm. We had to get to Earth safely and take control of the situation.

The teachers come to say goodbye. Most of the fairies refused to leave the school, although they were given the option to leave if they wished and all their families were contacted, and wanted to stay and fight against the threat that we were mostly sure was the Wizards.

We are instructed on exactly on what to do before we leave and say a sad goodbye. My chest squeezed a little at the thought of leaving Alfea and not being able to return for a while. It was a sorrowful feeling.

We exited the barriers of Alfea, waving to the teachers and a few of the fairies.

"It feels like we're leaving forever," Tecna states and we all laugh.

We walk through the forest for a long time, and for a while we were all alone with our own thoughts.

I can't believe this is actually happening, I thought to myself before speaking aloud, "what do you all think's going to happen?"

"What do you mean?" Aisha replies.

"We've not really got a set plan," I shrug, "we're just running."

"We'll figure it out when we get there- we'll have plenty of time," Bloom states, "don't worry too much, it'll all work out."

I smile at Bloom's words, but I was worrying deep down inside.

Will it all work out?

What about the Specialists? I frowned.


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