Chapter 40 (I)

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Aisha POV

"Step forward, Winx."

My heart jumped a little, that wasn't the plan.

"What do we do?" Musa whispers under her breath, the wizards would be unable to see her lips moving.

However, what made the situation even worse - and awkward, might I add - was the wizard's silence that followed, and the silence of everyone outside. I now understood the meaning of "deafening silence" first-hand.

"Well?" Ogron grumbled, "you're testing my patience."

"The plan was to lure them in here, not this!" I whisper, not really caring if they could see our lips moving.

"Well we're going to have to do it a different way," Bloom replies, also in a whisper.

"Now, fairies. Or else-" Ogron growls.

"Alright girls, this is our last chance to take them down. Get ready to transform on my mark," Bloom prepare us before standing forward. We give a solemn nod.

"Well you're going to have to catch us first," Bloom speaks to the wizards, loudly. Everyone else was so silent you would forget it was three schools worth of students, spilling out of the Alfea grounds a little so they weren't too crammed.

"Oh, is that a challenge?" Gantlos laughs, "you really think you can win? Are you asking us to hurt you?"

"It's a challenge, alright," I take a step forward to stand next to Bloom.

"Very well," Ogron raises his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the three headteachers fell to their knees. A small cloud appears above their heads and it slowly floats to Ogron's hand where it turns black and then disappears.

"He's taking their magic!" Musa yells and I follow her eyes towards the teachers who look noticeably exhausted.

"So that's how he steals it," I semi-conclude, "but how did he do it for almost everyone in the magic dimension?"

"You really thought we had none of Flora's abilities?" Gantlos interrupts, causing me to jump slightly. I had almost forgotten the other three were there after scanning the perimeter, making us view them as an even bigger challenge. Gantlos had basically revealed that they all had this power, rather than Ogron being the only strong one.

"Not only can we use our spell but we can use her magic too," Duman adds, a little quieter than I would expect. Almost a mumble. It seemed although they shared their power, or so they claimed, the other three still seek the approval of Ogron with everything. Duman glanced a little towards Ogron, not that he noticed, to check he wasn't saying too much.

I wasn't sure if the other girls noticed this fact or not, maybe we could use it against them.

Sure, Ogron had always been seen as the leader of the four due to his ability to turn attacks into strength, but it now seemed as though they all had this power. There was definitely a lot we didn't know about the Wizards of the Black Circle, that was for sure. Maybe the three men are just really loyal to him? I'm not sure, and I don't think we'll ever know, but it means at least we know they won't act without his command.

If it is true and they all have that ability, though, then we're in trouble.

Anagan scoffs, "but we still need her, because it's not as good as her power."

"But what sort of spell can do that?" Tecna mutters, "and one that all four of them can use? It doesn't make sense."

"It must have something to do with Flora," Bloom observes, "they keep talking about her but she's not here."

"What if they're channelling her?" I ask.

"Yes! That's it!" Tecna smacks my arm lightly and the rest of the girls look on in confusion, "think about-"

"Ahem-" a loud clearing of the throat snaps us out of our chat, and we look up to see the four wizards with their arms folded, "-are we interrupting you, ladies?"

"Yes, actually," Stella informs them.

"You're doing exactly what Flora's condition is supposed to do," Tecna turns to face them and our small whispering huddle breaks up, "well, the opposite, you take good magic and turn it into evil magic. It would make sense why you're stronger."

"So that time Flora was knocked out you were channelling her?" Bloom asks, but it seemed more of a rhetorical question.

"But what they did made us all sick! Surely a power-absorbing spell shouldn't do that?" I frown in confusion.

"Yes, well, all magic comes with a price," Ogron rolls his eyes a little, why are they not fighting us? What is going on?

"So they do have a weakness," Bloom whispers quietly.

"What was that, fairy?" Duman growls. Uh oh. Someone's getting angry.

He lifts his hands a little and a dark cloud appears above them. It seemed they were getting fed up.

To our surprise, some of the Red Fountain students begin to throw their swords and other weapons at the wizards, some actually grazing them to the point where a few of the men stumbled backwards. I had to bite back a small cheer- I had learned not to celebrate too early in battle, and I was correct not to.

An almost animalistic roar ring through our ears, and a thick layer of ice encases all of the specialists that attacked the wizards, so thick that we couldn't see their faces underneath. I knew they were all okay, however, as it was simply a magic spell that froze them in time and didn't literally freeze them though it appeared that way. They would be okay.

We couldn't really put it off much longer. The head teachers were still kneeling, exhausted from having their magic taken from them. All Red Fountain students were encased in a thick layer of ice and the fairies' feet were rooted to the ground.

I looked at Ogron, and there was literally smoke coming out of his ears he was that angry. Well, not literally, but he looks pretty mad, "enough! I have had enough of this idiotic talk. All you fairies do is talk and I am sick of it!"

We all unconsciously take a step back.

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