Chapter 11

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Roxy POV

"That was quick," Miss Faragonda joked as I closed the door to her office, "I wasn't expecting to see you for a while, Roxy."

"This couldn't wait," I say breathlessly, swinging my backpack off of my shoulders and placing it on the Headmistress' desk. She looks on and doesn't speak, though she's clearly confused. I pull out the necklace, and place it on the desk.

"What's this?" Miss Faragonda asks while holding the necklace up to her face, examining it.

I explained everything to her, and she nodded when appropriate, still studying the necklace.

"And you've not contacted this girl, Alana, since then?" She asks.

I shake my head, "no, I came here as soon as I could. We didn't really exchange numbers or anything last night but she seemed like she wanted to talk to me again."

"Why would she want to give you this if she didn't know you?" Miss Faragonda hums, a hand on her chin and her other holds up the necklace, "it simply doesn't make sense. If she was looking for you to give this to you before she approached you and she didn't know you-"

She trails off, pausing in thought. I sigh, "I know. It just doesn't add up. She seemed normal after we left the hospital."

"Then someone must have sent her," the necklace is now floating in the air above both of our faces.

"She did say something about someone touching her on the shoulder before she blacked out. Do you think it was magic?" I ask.

"Of course it was magic, but who's. Who would want to give you this necklace and why? I can only imagine it's not a very good reason. I will keep the necklace with me at all times, and I'll cast a spell which prevents the necklace from exerting any magic," she explains and a blue aura appears around the necklace.

I nod, "good idea, Miss Faragonda. But what if it has already been using magic?"

"Well then, I guess there's nothing we can do about that, but it will prevent anything else in the future. Don't worry, if someone is trying to cast a spell on you you'll be safe here. I assume under the circumstances you wouldn't mind coming back?"

"Of course not," I shake my head, "it's been a little while and I miss it here anyway. I spoke to my dad this morning and told him I might be here for a while. He doesn't really understand, but he should be okay with it."

"That's good to hear," the Headmistress nods, "I want you to know that you can feel safe here Roxy, no matter what. I'll definitely make sure that someone can check out that strange girl for you."

I yawned, "of course, don't worry, I know I'm safe here," I yawn again and rub my eyes, "sorry."

"Are you alright, Roxy?" Miss Faragonda frowns.

"Yeah, sorry, I've barely slept," I rub my eyes some more before.

"Well, how about I get the Winx to go to Gardenia and investigate while you get some rest. You definitely look like you can use some," she suggests.

"That would be great," I mutter, the tiredness was really starting to hit me now.

Miss Faragonda chuckles, "go get some sleep, Roxy. Take some time to rest and I'll let you know how the Winx get on with their investigation."

"Thanks, Miss," I thank her before dragging myself out of the office. The tiredness was really starting to hit, especially now that all the adrenaline was gone. I made my way back to my room and threw myself onto my bed, my eyes immediately closing.

Bloom POV

"Woah, it's pretty," Stella's eyes widen at the necklace in front of her.

"It's potentially very dangerous," Miss Faragonda sighs, "I hate to ask this if you all, but I want you to look into this "Alana" girl. She could be a spy, or a witch, or something else."

We pause for a moment and look to each other.

"What does Roxy think?" I ask, "she was with her, she might have some kind of impression of her."

"Roxy was very tired today so I didn't want to burden her with too much to think about, we'll let her know everything when you girls get back. For all we know, this girl, if she has magic, could have cast some sort of spell on Roxy which makes her memory distorted. I checked without her knowing when she came to my office and couldn't find anything, but we don't know for sure," Miss Faragonda explains.

"Don't worry, Miss Faragonda, we're on the case!" Musa assures her.

"I'll text Timmy right now and get the guys to take us to Gardenia," Tecna says and pulls out her phone.

We continue to talk to Miss Faragonda before Tecna sighs frustratedly, "the guys are busy training, apparently Saladin won't let them out."

"Don't worry, I can get another ship from Red Fountain to get you girls over and back, just wait outside," Miss Faragonda says and we thank her, editing her office and standing outside.

We discuss Roxy's situation for a while.

"Poor Roxy, she must have been so scared," Flora says as we all sit down at the fountain, "especially so late at night on her own. She did such a kind thing taking that girl to the hospital, though."

"Yeah, but I don't trust this "Alana" girl," Aisha shakes her head in disapproval, "I bet she's a witch and she's draining Roxy's magic from her right now!"

"A little dramatic, Aisha," I giggle, "but I definitely don't trust her either. Roxy isn't stupid enough to believe this was all a coincidence, but she was probably so shocked and tired that she didn't pay much thought to it."

"I can't wait!" Stella claps excitedly, "I love a good mystery!"

"Yes, but has anyone thought about how we're actually going to go about this?" Tecna asks, "we can't just break into the girl's home."

"I guess we'll have to explain the situation to her," I shrug.

"We could just tell her we're from the hospital or something," Stella mutters, clearly thinking. She then sits up and gasps, "that's it! Some of us could pretend to be from the hospital and the others can have a look around her house-"

"No way! That's a crime, Stella!" Aisha folds her arms, "we'll figure it out when we get there."

The Red Fountain ship arrives moments later and we all get on, a pouting Stella following behind.

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