Chapter 22

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This time when Mikayla got to Silvain, she was able to find a clearing farther inland, about a miles walk to the Shamrock Inn. Luckily when she got there, Brigid was just leaving.

 "Oh! Hello there Mikayla, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. What are you doing here dearie?"

 "I had some questions and you're the only one from Silvain, that I think I can trust."

 "Well, that does sound serious. Just give me a moment and I'll be right back," she said quickly heading back inside real quick. "Alright dearie, why don't you walk over to my bar with me? I was just about to head there when you showed up. We've been a little short staffed since Lilly left with Brady and the new young lady I hired is still learning."

 Mikayla followed her reluctantly. She had wanted to talk to her in private, but how would she do that if Brigid was too busy supervising a trainee and helping customers?

  When they walked into the Shamrock and Roll bar, it wasn't quite what she had expected. Instead of small and dark, full of suspicious looking people, it was spacious, bright, and full of life.

 "So what do you think of my little beauty? I love the inn, but this is my real treasure," she said her eyes glowing with delight. She continued to talk as she lead Mikayla farther towards the back of the bar, passing the stage that Mikayla assumed must be where Lilly always performed. Where Brady first saw her.

"Here we are dearie," Brigid said, causing Mikayla to snap her head back to attention. They had reached a door leading to a room with a large glass window on the side so you could see inside. "This is my office. We can talk in here."

 "But I thought you needed to supervise your new employee?"

 "Oh, no not really. We have two other girls waiting tables tonight and they know what they're doing. Besides it's a Tuesday so we most likely won't be busy."

 "Are you sure? It looked pretty full when we walked in."

 "Oh, no those are all regulars. This more what we call steady, not busy. I'm mostly just here in case we do get busy all of a sudden, or something unexpected happens."

 "Oh, well if you're sure." Brigid pushed open the door. "It's not locked?"

"Oh, no dearie I never lock my office. I have an open door policy."

"But aren't you afraid you might get robbed when you're not here?"

 "Of course not," she said as if the idea was ridiculous. I trust my employees, and we lock everything up at one in the morning until we reopen. Besides I don't keep my money in my office. That's the first place someone would look if they ever tried to rob me."

 Mikayla had to hand it to Brigid, she may seem soft and sweet, but she wasn't an idiot.

 "Have a seat," Brigid said gesturing towards chair with a green and yellow cushion. Mikayla sat down noticing the seat was a lot more comfortable than it looked. "Now then, you said you had some questions?"

 "Yes, it's about Lilly and Marrah."

 "What about them dearie?"

"How long have they known each other?"

 "Well just since Lilly first showed up on the island. That would be about two years ago. I'd only been living on Silvain for a few years myself at the time, and I remember Lilly was the talk of the whole island for quite some time. I got a lot more business once she started working for me."

 So Lilly had been telling the truth. But why had Marrah lied? What did she possibly have to gain? Lying about her age kind of made since. After all she obviously was attracted to Mason, and she probably wanted him to think she was closer to his age. But why lie about how long she had known Lilly? Something still wasn't adding up.

"Why do you ask dearie?" Brigid asked startling her.

 "Well... it's just something that Marrah said." Mikayla hesitated before telling her what Marrah had said.

 "Are you sure you didn't mishear her? Maybe she said eighteen, not eight ."

 Mikayla shook her head. "No, she definitely said eight."

 Brigid frowned, as she sat quietly for a moment. "Well dearie, like I said I only moved here a few years before Lilly arrived. I don't think there's anything else I could tell you." Mikayla's shoulders slumped. "Now don't look so disappointed. I said I couldn't tell you, but I might know someone who can. Here." Brigid found a blank piece of paper on her desk and a pen and quickly drew something on it, before handing it to Mikayla.

"What is it," Mikayla said looked at what appeared to be a drawing made by a ten year old.

"It's a map. Sorry it's not very good. I never was very good at drawing, but the place you need to go isn't on any official map of Silvain. I found it on accident myself. She this building here," she said pointing to a rectangle labeled SR&R. "That's the bar. You need to follow this line here through the forest, straight past waterfall," she said pointing to what looked like fat slanted line with puffballs at the end, "and I mean straight past it. Don't go veering off. Once you reach the rock wall, place both of your hands out and say 'Brigid sent me,' you got that?"

"Yeah..." Mikayla said, still kind of confused as to how this was going to help her find answers.

"I'd go with you myself, but like I said, I have to be here in case something comes up."

"That's okay. Thanks Brigid."

 "Anytime dearie," Brigid said beaming.

 Mikayla left the bar, noticing it was getting dark as she headed back towards the forest. She reached into her overnight bag and took out a small flashlight she had brought just in case, glad she wasn't one of those people who was afraid of the dark.

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