Chapter 15

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When they got to the hot air balloon, Mikayla immediately took over steering. Once they were on their way Marrah just would not stop talking! She kept going on and on about what a great guy Brady was. When she wasn't talking about that, she was talking about how she wished Lilly wasn't so perfect so she could have Brady or how she deserved him so much more since, after all, she was a princess.

It was driving Mikayla insane! The guards however didn't seem to mind. Either they were really good at hiding their emotions, or they were just used to it by now. Mikayla decided to go with the second one. She was contemplating jumping out and trying to swim the rest of the way home when she spotted Kinkow. It was hard to make out, since it was early the next morning and therefore, dark out.


"Did you say something Mikayla," Marrah asked.

"I said we're almost there," Mikayla said.

"Oh, really? I hadn't noticed. The time sure flew by."

A few minutes later they landed in front of the castle. Just then Mikayla realized something.

"Wait. How are you supposed to get home. You can't take the balloon. It's belongs to the kings."

"Oh so you know the kings personally do you? Or did you just steal it in order to complete your petty mission?"

Mikayla puffed out her chest. "I happen to be the Kings head guard!"

"Really? A scrawny looking thing like you? Oh, well. Not like I expected much from Kinkow. Who is your king anyways? We haven't really bothered with keeping up with Kinkowian news."

"We have three kings actually." Marrah raised an eyebrow. "They're triplets. Boomer, Boz, and the third one is Brady."

"Brady? Lilly's Brady?" Even the guards looked surprised. Mikayla nodded. "Even more of a reason I should be with Brady. We both have royalty coursing through our veins. He's a king and I am a future queen." She looked at her guards and Mikayla rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, we better go see my dad. I'm sure he'll have an idea for how to get you home." She pushed open the large double doors and led Marrah and the two guards inside the castle. "Just be quiet and don't touch anything. I'll go get my dad." She hurried to her dad's bedroom, leaving the three of them alone in the throne room.

Pair of Kings: Brady ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now