Chapter 13

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Mikayla woke up to bright lights shining in her face and a throbbing head. She bolted up right, regretting it immediately as her head spun.

"Where am I," she said aloud.

"The castle infirmary," someone said. Mikayla turned her head to the left to see a beautiful brunette sitting next to her. "You knocked your head pretty hard, so you may have  a slight concussion."

"Who are you?"

"I am Princess Marrah of Silvain. Who are you?"

"I'm Mikayla. What did I run into?"


"You? No, I ran into something hard." Marrah sighed. She grabbed Mikayla's hand and placed it on her chest. She had solid abs! No wonder it had hurt so bad. "Wait, if you're a princess, then why do you have such big abs?"

"I'm royalty and as such need to protect myself if ever my guards are unable to. The whole royal family stays in shape. Now you said your name is Mikayla? You wouldn't happen to be Brady's Mikayla would you?"

"I'm not his," she blurted.

"I guess I could have worded that better. I didn't mean his as in his girlfriend. I meant his as in the one he talked about from his home. Based on your response however, I'll take that as a yes."

Mikayla looked down embarrassed. "He really talked about me that much huh?"

"Well at first anyways. Until he and Lilly got to know each other better. Then he hardly ever mentioned you."


"Don't sound so disappointed. You were the one who turned him down and broke his heart, remember? Luckily Lilly was here to fix it."

"I'm guessing you don't like me much then, huh?"

"On the contrary. I've never once seen Lilly so happy since we adopted her, as when she was with Brady. Even singing doesn't bring her that much joy. I should be thanking you for bringing them together. Mother and Father would do the same thing."

"So, what do you actually know about Lilly?"

Marrah cocked an eyebrow. "I know she is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She's not one for fighting, but wouldn't hesitate to defend those she loves. She's very smart and talented and enjoys sharing her talents in order to make others happy. I assure you that you will never find a better person."

"But there has to be something wrong with her! No one's perfect."

"I thought the same thing until I met her. There is one thing she is bad at though."

"What," Mikayla said eagerly.

"She's a terrible liar. Simply atrocious at it. She once tried to keep my surprise party a secret, but utterly failed." Mikayla was disappointed. She'd been hoping for something else, like maybe she was bad at telling the truth. "Did you really come here just to try and dig up some dirt on Lilly? How petty. You must like Brady now, because you are definitely jealous."

"No I'm not!"

"You most definitely are. I would know. I've always been jealous of her. She's talented and has the ideal boyfriend now. Even if he wasn't ideal when they first met."

"What do you mean?"

"You know him. The boy used to be dumber then a bag of rocks. Thanks to Lilly though he has just the right amount of intelligence. Smart, but still dumber than me. After all if he and Lilly were ever to break up, I'd make sure I got to him next. After a reasonable amount of time of course. We may not be related by blood, but I still consider her my sister. After all, I've known her since she was about eight."

Great, there are two girls who like Brady! Marrah just kept going on and on. Finally Mikayla interrupted her. "What time is it?"

"What? Oh,  five o'clock."

"What? I've been out four ten hours!"

"Ten hours and a day dear. It's Friday."

"What?" She leapt out of bed only to immediately fall back down due to light headedness.

"Take it easy. I said you probably have a slight concussion. Just rest."

"You don't understand. My Dad only give me three days. Tomorrow is day three."

"Well then I'll just have to have some of my guards escort you home. You shouldn't travel alone in your condition."

Mikayla didn't like that, but what choice did she have. She nodded.

"Good, I'll go pack."

"You're coming too?"

"Of course it'll give me a chance to see Brady and Lilly again. Even if it hasn't been that long." She left the room, leaving Mikayla dreading the upcoming trip.

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