Chapter 19

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"So this is where I sleep," Lilly said indicating to her tent which was now in the throne room.

"You sleep in that," Marrah said disgusted.

"Yeah, but I don't mind. Sometimes, Brady will come down at night and we'll cuddle and talk for a while."

"That's nice."

Lilly ignored the bitterness in her voice like she always did. She wasn't clueless. She knew Marrah was jealous of her and Brady, she had always known. She just choose to ignore it. She didn't want to cause any problems between the two of them.

"Yeah, but it's better than where Brady's brother Boz sleeps. He's sleeping in a tree until they're finished with the renovations."

"He sleeps in a tree? But he's a king!"

"Yeah, but he doesn't mind. He was raised by apes." Marrah gave her a strange look. "Long story. Anyways, it's really great here. I get to spend not only time with Brady, but his family too." Just then she got an idea. "Hey, King Boomer already has a girlfriend, but King Boz doesn't. Maybe you and him could, you know become a thing."

"Date a monkey man? I don't think so."

Lilly frowned. Marrah had always been like this. She judged people before she got to know them. Sometimes, like now, before she even met them. Usually she didn't say anything. But this time was different.

"You know that's not really fair Marrah."


"You judging Boz before you even meet him. He's a really nice guy. And he's pretty smart too. Smarter than how Brady was when we first met. And you have no right to judge him. In fact, I'm not sure you're even good enough for him. He's a great guy. Almost as great as Brady. And you're judging him based on one thing you heard about him, without even learning the details."

Marrah pouted. "We'll there's no need to be rude."

Just then Brady came inside from eavesdropping. "She's not the one being rude Marrah. She's right. Boz is a great guy and I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. I think it's time for you to go home."

Marrah frowned. "Fine." She turned around to leave, but stopped. "Do either of you know where my guards went," she huffed.

"They're waiting for you outside," said Brady.

Marrah whirled back around and left.

"I'meant sorry Brady. I didn't realize just how rude she was."

"Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't raise her to be like that. You didn't raise her at all. I've told you before that you don't need to apologize for things that aren't your fault."

"I know, I just feel like I need to."

"Well your don't. Now come on. Let's go find Boomer and Boz." And together they went to find his brothers.

Pair of Kings: Brady ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now