Chapter 1

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Brady couldn't believe he was finally going back to Kinkow. Not only that, but with the most amazing girlfriend ever. She was smart, beautiful, talented, and could put up a heck of a fight. How could he have been so obsessed with Mikayla, when there had been someone so much better out there, just waiting for him. He still couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to be her boyfriend. She even liked him for who he was, not because he was king. But she didn't know he was a king. He'd have to tell her soon though. They were going to land soon and then he was going to take her straight to the castle.

"Lilly, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he said as he started to land the hot air balloon. It was the same one he had left Kinkow in. He landed in a small clearing in the forest, hiding their view of the castle that was only about 20 feet away. "The thing is, me and Boomer aren't just regular people on Kinkow." He took a deep breath. "We're it's kings."

"Aww, come on Brady," she said with a little laugh, "I know you're great, but there's no way a king would date someone as average as me."

"Average? You far beyond average. You're the most beautiful and talented girl I've ever met."

"Please. I look like every other blonde, and there are plenty of other people who can sing and play just as good as me. You for instance."

"Me? I'm good, but you sound like an angel from heaven," he said. She blushed. He grabbed her hand and lead her out of the trees. There, about 15 feet away stood the castle. His home. Lilly's jaw dropped. "Welcome to my home," he said. They walked to the castle and he pushed open the doors.

"Please," he heard Mason's voice. "I'd be more surprised if King Brady walked through the door. Just then he turned his head and noticed Brady and Lilly standing in the door. Now it was his turn for his jaw to drop. "My king!" he said rushing to Brady. He picked him up in an enormous bear hug.

"Mason," Brady gasped. "Can't... breath."

"Oh, sorry," he said putting him down. By that time Boomer, Mikayla, a two other guards had already rushed over.

"Brady you're back," Boomer exclaimed. He went in to hug Brady, but then punched him in the arm instead.

"What was that for," Brady said laughing a little. He was surprised it didn't hurt as much as it used to.

"That was for leaving. Do realize how worried I was? You're my brother. We're supposed to stick together."

"Man, I'm sorry bro," Brady said giving him a hug. "But if I hadn't left, I never would have met Lilly."

"Lilly?" everyone echoed. Just then everyone noticed her standing about a foot away. She had stepped back when Mason ran in for his bear hug.

"Hi," she said with a little wave.

Brady grabbed her hand a pulled her towards him. "Everyone, this is Lilly. My girlfriend." Now everyone's jaw dropped.

"Wait, wait. So you mean to tell me. That this beautiful girl. Is your girlfriend?" Boomer asked.


"Alright, how much did he pay you?" Mikayla asked.

Lilly looked confused. "Nothing," she said. Then something dawned on her. "Oh, you must be Mikayla. Brady told me a lot about you. Honestly I'm not surprised you don't believe him. After all, you failed to see what a great guy he is," she said snuggling up to Brady. He smiled down at her.

"Can I talk to you for a second my king," Mikayla asked Brady.

"Sure." She pulled him to the side and lowered her voice.

"Are you sure we can trust her? I mean she's probably just after your money or your crown." She glanced over at Lilly who was now talking cheerfully to Boomer and Mason. "She sure looks the type. Fake."

Brady was furious. "Don't you dare question her character. She didn't even know I was king until a little while ago. She is the sweetest, most caring, and compassionate person I have ever met and I love her. More than I ever thought I did you. So don't you even dare to question her. She is a better person than you and she loves me for who I am. Not for the crown I wear."

"I'm sorry."

He sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I just hate when anyone questions why we're together. You guys are really the first though. Just don't do it again"

Mikayla paused. "Yes, my king."

"And, you're going to realize this soon enough, but I'm not the same Brady who left here a year ago. Lilly taught me a lot of things. She taught me math, science, how to fight, how to defend myself. She even taught me how to be more thoughtful of my actions. That everything has it's consequences. She may not have realized it at the time, but she taught me how to become a better king. It was during our lessons that I really fell for her." He looked back at Lilly and smiled. She noticed him looking and gave a little wave. He waved back.

"You really think you love her, don't you?"

"No, I know I do. Me and her were meant to be together. And once you see what kind of man I've become, you're going to regret not giving me a chance. But it's to late for that. I belong with Lilly now." And with that he turned and walked back to the others, leaving Mikayla standing there speechless.

Pair of Kings: Brady ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now