40- One for Another [Epilouge]

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Two weeks later...
Ouma's POV:
"Do you not have any clothes or something? How is your closet so empty!?" I exclaim.

"H-Hey... don't look in my closet..." Saihara murmurs. He's still in bed, and extremely tired despite the fact we both went to sleep at a reasonable time. He reaches out an arm as if to stop me, but drops it in exhaustion.

"C'mon, it's fine. And if we're gonna be living together like this for some time, you better get used to it," I say.

"Mm." Saihara makes a small sound, probably not really listening.

"Also, I was going to ask you, are you going to go to the same school this year, or do you want to go to a different one?" I ask.

Saihara hesitated for some time. I start to wonder if he was ever listening in the first place, but then he says, "I think I'll go to a different school this year. It'll be easier for my uncle to find me if I went to the same one, so yeah."

"You sure? Don't you have any friends at your school?" I ask.

"Friends? Well..." Saihara hesitates. "I guess... but I'm sure they honestly don't care. You don't need to mind. I'll go to your school, so you won't have to switch schools either."

My eyes widen. He didn't need to do so much. "But..."

"No buts. It's fine. You've done so much for me. Can't you accept something in return?" Saihara tells me.

I want to protest against that, but he has a point. "It'll be us."

"Exactly." Saihara stretches himself out of bed, while I inform him that I'll go make breakfast. I walk to the apartment kitchen, but he stops me.

"Please. Can you not do so much for me? It feels unfair," the detective laughs.

"Fine," I reluctantly leave and sit on the couch, getting my phone out in the process. We had both recently gotten cell phones, as our old ones we had before the killing game were gone. Which sucked, because I had lost all my game progress! I hate that! Still, it was a major improvement from not having a phone at all. I scroll through stuff while Saihara makes breakfast.

Soon afterwards, he finishes making omelettes and we eat together. "So, do you like it?" he asks.

"Eh, it's okay. I bet I could cook better," I brag.

"Come on... be honest with me," Saihara says, dumbfounded.

"Nishishi! I was just kidding! It's actually pretty good!" I laugh.

"Ah... thanks."

"So, um, you wanna watch something on Netflix?" I say after we both finish.

"Sure. Let's watch The Office," Shuichi requests.

Since we only moved into the apartment we're in a week ago, we were in the process of getting a TV. But I did have an iPad, so we got Netflix on there. Sure, it was a smaller screen, but neither of us seemed to mind. As I pull it up, I ask Saihara, "Have you ever watched The Office before?"

"No... but I heard it's pretty good. My uncle used to be very strict. He never let me watch TV."

"What the hell? How could he do that?" I say in anger.

"Y-You don't need to make a big deal! Besides, we're watching it now, right?" Saibaba stammers.

"I... I know... but I can't believe he forced you through all that. Because, the thing is, I didn't get enough attention from my mom. But you got too much attention from your uncle. So we both wanted the opposite thing," I explain. "Right?"

"I mean, I guess. To be honest, I was a bit jealous seeing how your mom gives you so much freedom," Saihara admits.

"Exactly. Anyway." I place the iPad in front of us. "I haven't watched The Office either, so it'll be the first time for both of us."

"That sounds great."

We leaned together and cuddled as we watched the small screen.

Thank you, Saihara. Thank you for letting me be with you.

Our hands touched, his warm hand on mine. It was perfect.

okay. so i did look through the comments in the last chapter and a lot of people did not like the last sentence in that, and that the main conflict of saihara getting a place was not resolved, so i basically made an epilogue like thing (which is why this is very short). i'll be answering all the questions from the previous chapter this evening!

so yep, this is end for sure. but i do have another oumasai book coming out soon because i got a new idea recently. basically it's like a high school AU thing. shuichi has this conversation with ouma but then no one ever saw him again, and everyone says ouma committed suicide (yeah it's a bit darker) but shuichi doesn't believe it and tries to find out what really happened and if ouma is still alive.

and also the shuichi harem thing too will be out soon.  so yeah!

✔️More Than a Game (Oumasai/Saiouma)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora