3- Rules of the Game

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Saihara's POV:
For the next hour or so, we continue to meet up with the other fourteen Ultimates in different areas of the school. There was Kokichi Ouma and Kiibo, Tsumugi, the Ultimate Cosplayer, Himiko, the Ultimate Magician (though she claims magic is real), and Korekiyo, the Ultimate Anthropologist. Korekiyo struck me as a weird person, as he said that he finds beauty in pretty much everything, even horrible things.

There was also Tenko, the Ultimate Aikido Master, Miu, a really salty person who was the Ultimate Inventor, and Kirumi, the Ultimate Maid. There was also another guy who said he went to prison named Ryoma. I remember reading about him in a newspaper article as the Ultimate Tennis Pro, but he claims that part of him is gone.

Rantaro Amami was another guy who interested me. He said he didn't know what his Ultimate Talent was, but he seemed really casual about it and shrugged it off. Maki claimed she was the Ultimate Child Caregiver, but she acted more like a loner then a babysitter. Kaito was a really energetic dude, the Ultimate Astronaut, while Gonta spoke in broken grammar and it the Ultimate Entomologist. Angie claimed that she was a type of oracle to her god named Atua, and is the Ultimate Artist.  And then, there was Kaede and me.

Even though there was so many people to keep track of, I had my mind on something else.Through the whole time, I can't get Ouma's words out of my head.

"Well, maybe not all of you guys."

What did he mean by that? Did he mean what I thought he meant... I'm not boring? He was looking straight at me too. He must have. Or am I overthinking this again like usual? Ugh!

We're in such a weird place, with such weird people, and I'm thinking about what Ouma said. I have better things to think about... don't I? So then... why can't I get those purple eyes out of my head?

Ding dong, bing bong!

"Huh? Was that the bell?" Kaede asks. I look around to try to see where the sound is coming from. Those monitors in every room... it's coming from there!

"Kaede, look! The monitor!" I exclaim as I point to it. Just then, on the monitor the five teddy bears from before (the Monokubs, as I remember) appear on the screen. They're all sitting on a long red couch with little toys on the floor. Wait- those aren't toys! Those are small little dolls made to look like... us??? Mine is dangling from a string, with Kaede on the left and Angie on the right. I can also see Kokichi's facing the left and dangling from a string near the left arm of the couch.

Wait, why was I looking for his?!

I think Kaede was right. I might be feeling a bit sick. At least, I've been acting a whole lot differently too. I try not to think about being sick, but it quickly gets replaced by the thought of Kokichi. No, not that either... I try to not think about it as I listen to the announcement.

"Hi! Thanks for bear-ing with us!" says Monophanie.

"Kept you bastards waiting, huh?" Monokid says.

"Everyone, please make your way to the gym, please," Monotaro says. The gym?

"The opening ceremony is about to begin!" says Monokid. Why is there an opening ceremony?

"Phew! We finally finished our preparations!" Monotaro says with a sigh.

"You do realise you said your lines backward again, right?" Monosuke points out.

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