18- What Kills A Mastermind

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Ouma's POV:
If I told you I was ready for this, that would be a lie. My steps were shaky as I headed for Tsumugi's door. And when I got there, I slowly raised my trembling hand to the doorbell.

Ding dong!

It felt like I was waiting for my death. Saihara was still watching me. And he was shocked too. He hadn't expected me to go along with what I said, but, that was just the type of person I was.

I will end the killing game. This what I want- no, what Saihara wants. This is what everyone wants.

After what felt like an eternity, the door finally creaked open. "Oh, Kokichi?" I swear, I think I saw a look of annoyance when she saw me at first. Tsumugi's fake innocence was too much for me already. She needs to suffer the punishment for putting us through this killing game!

I had to do it. I had to confront her. Everything was telling me, "No! Don't do it!" but then, there was me, who disregarded that. Ending this now is better than ending this later. I decided to start it off simple.

"You were the one who knocked me out and put me in the fridge, right?" I say, narrowing my eyes as I walk in and close the door behind me.

"Huh? Starting the conversation so quickly?Why would I put you in a fridge?" Tsumugi asks in the annoying voice of hers, taking a step away from me with fake confusion. "Would you even fit?"

"Of course I would! I'm small for a reason, y'know? Anyway..." I walk further into the room. The trash can next to the bed has something I was expecting: Panta. My Panta. "Hm? What's this?" I ask playfully, pulling the purple drink out of the trash can. She must've taken it out of my hand when she went to put my unconscious body in Saihara's room.

"Huh? Oh, that's my Panta!" Tsumugi says with a fake look of shock, attempting to grab it in my hands.

"Why is this in the trash? It's not even finished yet," I ask suspiciously.

How am I supposed to expose the mastermind?

"Well, I was plainly drinking the Panta yesterday, and it must've fallen off the nightstand into the trash can," Tsumugi says, making up a fake story.

"Y'know, Tsumugi, talented liars like me can spot other liars, remember?" I say.

If I'm planning to expose a liar, I have to corner them psychologically...

"I do remember you mentioning that during Rantaro's trial..." Tsumugi notes. She doesn't even seem the slightest bit phased.

"Yep! But..." I raise a finger to my lips. "You're not a liar, right?"

Only then will they reveal their true self as a liar- hiding beneath a layer of deceit!

"Of course not, Kokichi. Speaking of which, you're, um, acting a bit off. Accusing me of things I don't even know about... then asking if I'm a liar... I heard earlier you weren't feeling very well, so, maybe you should go back to bed?" Tsumugi offers.

"Oh, so that's the path you want to take, hm?" I mutter to myself. Then I look back to Tsumugi. "Nishishi... I think an evil supreme leader can take care of themselves, hm? And I'm feeling fine, if you really want to know."

"So then... why are doing this? It's plain obvious that I did nothing wrong..." Tsumugi trails off.

"Nothing wrong?" I laugh at the thought. "Nothing wrong? You shouldn't be saying that of all people. I told you already... I hate liars! Liar, liar, pants on fire!" I say, raising my voice at the last part.

✔️More Than a Game (Oumasai/Saiouma)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang