2- Not Boring

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Ouma's POV:
"Ah, um, my name is really K1-B0, but you can just call me Kiibo," says a weird-looking robot guy. Why is he here? He's a robot!

"What? Are you supposed to be a robot? This place is for Ultimates, not broken machines," I reply as I cross my arms.

"H-Hey! Please don't be robophobic! I'm a highly advanced robot, created by Professor Idabashi-"

"Can I at least look at your body a little?" I ask.

"You know what? I think the best idea is to look for some other Ultimates. It's no use just joking around with you the whole time." Kiibo starts to walk to the door, but no way am I letting him leave alone!

"Heyyy! Wait for meeee!" I call childishly as I chase Kiibo.

"Please stop! Don't come any closer!" Kiibo says, pointing his finger at me. Just then, I hear the door open, and two people come in. A girl and a boy. In a relationship? Probably not.

The girl has blond hair and bright clothing. I can already tell she's optimistic type by the bright smile on her face.

The boy, on the other hand, has a hat covering part of his face. He... He's dressed so... plain. Why would he do that? It's like he wants to cover up the fact that he's actually really, really... cute...? His cap covers those eyes of his, and the dark colors of his uniform make it seem like he wants to blend in with the colors of the school. Of course, I can't tell him that, though. Can I?

I'm so busy looking at the other kid when I can start to feel Kiibo's unblinking stare upon me. Shit! Why did I do that? Shouldn't he have a blinking feature at the least? I look back to Kiibo and plant a smile on my face yet again. "C'mooooon! Wait up! Lemme touch your body a little! I've always wanted to be friends with a robot!" Good, now the other two know he's a robot.

"What? He's a robot?" the first girl asks in confusion. Man, people are stupid! You can obviously tell by his so-called 'uniform'.

"Wh-What is it? Are you another robophobe?" Kiibo asks nervously. "I have a recording function. If you make any robophobic remarks, I will see you in court."

In court? Where are they gonna find a court in such a weird place like this?

The first girl is still so surprised that Kiibo is a robot. The other guy isn't saying anything. He's a cute- I mean smart guy.  He wouldn't say all this stuff the first girl is saying and seem stupid. Way better then the other girl too.

"I'm not just any old robot! I'm the Ultimate Robot!" Kiibo explains to the other two. It's then when I realize I need to tell them my Ultimate Talent too. Kiibo can't hog the spotlight.

"That's not faaaaair! You can't be the only one who gets to show off? I'll introduce myself too!" I say quickly.

"Oh, um... go ahead," says the blond girl. I can already tell she doesn't like me. Oh well. At least the other guy seems okay with me!

"I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" I declare.

The first girl seems really confused at what I said. "A robot... and a supreme leader?" she mutters to herself. I guess I can't blame her.

"Ouma, huh?" I can barely hear the other boy, but he has a bright tone to his voice. I could've sworn he smiled as he said, "That's a nice name." He seems like such a serious guy. So why did he make the small little smile for me?

I've never received a compliment as genuine as that either, so I decide to ignore it for the time-being. "And, um, I learned that a robot's breath smells like gasoline. The hard way." Ugh, why did I say 'um' at the beginning?

"What?! I'm run by electricity! Don't be so rude!" Kiibo remarks.

"Nishishi... just kidding."

"That's not funny."

"Well, of course not. You don't have human humor to begin with!"

We continue to argue about the most dumbest topics, me obviously winning, until...

"Hey, do robots have dicks?"

"Please don't ask such ridiculous questions!" Kiibo says in annoyance. I sneak a glance at the other boy (who still hasn't introduced himself). The guy is giggling! At my joke! He tries to hide it, but he can't help it. He must think I'm really  funny.

Of course, that other girl had to ruin the fun. "Hey, Kokichi, I don't really understand your Ultimate Supreme Leader talent..."

"Oh, I'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization, that's all." I make it sound casual with a shrug, to make it  seem like it's a not a big deal to me. "I have to admit, it's pretty impressive. My organization has over 10,000 members!"

"Seriously?" the girl asks, not knowing whether to believe me or not. Either way, I decide to give her the answer.

"Who knows? I am a liar, after all."

"Huh? So you were lying about that last part just now?" the girl asks.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

"Jeez! So were you lying or not?" the girl says, starting to get a bit annoyed.

"Nishishi... I'm not telling ya."

"Just avoid him. He's a suspicious person. More then I am, anyway," Kiibo says while letting out a sigh.

"Well that's because you're not a person, silly."

"Grgh...!" Kiibo doesn't know what to say.

"Don't mind him. Anyway, what's your names? I'm not giving my name away for free, of course."

The first girl seems a bit confused, so the other guy says his name first. "Saihara."


"I-I-I-I mean Shuichi! Shuichi Saihara! I don't know why I told you my last name first... I'm also the Ultimate... Ultimate Detective!" Detective, eh? Now that he's closer to me, I can finally see his eyes clearly. They were a beautiful mix between blue, green and gray. And... he has really thick eyelashes. Almost like a girl. Not like gender mattered anyway.

"Okay, what the heck are you all doing? Is this something I don't know about?" the other girl asks. Curse her being around Saihara so much! "You guys were doing this staring thing... like talking to each other with your eyes."

"Oh, ah, um, sorry," Saihara says. "I guess I'm just not feeling well.."

"I don't blame you... In a place like this, anyone could be feeling under the weather.  By the way... My name's Kaede. Kaede Akamatsu, and I'm the Ultimate Pianist!" she explains with a smile on her face.

Music... yeah, it seemed pretty obvious based on her getup. Hairpins with music notes, music notes all over her skirt... Where do you even get clothes like that?

"Oh well." I let out an exaggerated sigh as I continue. "You guys are all boring." Then I look at Saihara with a small smile on my face.

"Well, maybe not all of you guys." Leaving it at that, I decide not to say anything else. I leave the room, looking for other Ultimates.

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