30- You didn't need to...

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Ouma's POV:
When I wake up, the first thing that catches my eye is a bottle of grape Panta on a table next to me. I lean over to grab it and spot a note beside it.

Here, I bought some Panta for you. I hope you're feeling better... I'm outside the hospital selling autographs and pictures for the time being. I know it's a stupid way to make money, but I'm not sure what else to do for the time being. Hope you're okay with that :)


Before I know it, a smile crosses my face. "Shuichi, you're so sweet..." I mutter. I open up the soda, hearing that satisfying hiss of noise when the cap pops off. I drank some of it, wondering what to do. I don't have my phone, nothing to keep me company...

Is this the Ultimate Boredom?

I want Shuichi to come back. But then again, without a cell phone, how am I supposed to even call him? "Ugh... " I groan. I'll have to make do with my surroundings then. The remote next to me has a help button if I need anything. I press it and it makes a small beeping noise, alerting me that a nurse will come in a minute.

After some time, a nurse walks in and meets her eyes with my concerned ones. "Hi, are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Do you think I'm okay?!" I complain.

"Well, what is it that you need?" she asks.

"Ugh... I'm so bored!!!" I exclaim in frustration. "Find me something to do," I spat.

"Sir, that's not how you're supposed to use your emergency button. If that's all, then I believe I'll have to go." With that, she promptly left the room.

God, you didn't need to be so mean about it...

Looking around the room, I realise there's a TV. That might be able to ease my boredom. I reach for the remote and turn the TV on. A news channel pops up. I proceed to switch the channel, but the headline stops me.

Danganronpa: Has Its 53rd Season Been Rigged?

A news reporter guy sits at a table speaking on the matter. "Danganronpa... the popular reality show, has been going on for 53 years."

53 years?! What?

"Despite that, all of Danganronpa seemed lost when the mastermind behind this year's killing game, Tsumugi Shirogane, was killed by Kokichi Ouma." I flinch when he says my name.

"Due to this, 12 of this year's Killing Game Semester students were able to escape. Though we do not know the whereabouts of all of them, we have been able to identify a few of them. Shuichi Saihara, known as the Ultimate Detective in the killing game, has been spotted by multiple people out in public selling autographs." So he really is making money that way, huh.

"Angie Yonaga has been trying to get others to donate blood to the god Atua. Surprisingly, many people have willingly given over a pint of their blood to Angie." A few pictures of it pop up on the screen that makes me almost spit my Panta out. People actually believed her?

"Kokichi Ouma, known as the Ultimate Supreme Leader in the killing game..." I get nervous when the news reporter says my name again. Why, though? "He's been admitted to the hospital last night. Here we can have an interview with his friend, Shuichi, on how Kokichi's doing."

An interview?! Saihara did an interview?! And I'm not just his friend? Did the guy not see us confess our love?!

"Hi... ah, um..." Saihara struggles to say anything. "Ouma... Ouma's doing good. I don't know how I'm going to pay for the hospital fees but-"

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