-Winter Special: Part 1-

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"Finally, a break from this mess," Saihara muttered under his breath as he walked home. He was so glad that Winter Break had started, he was honestly sick of the pressure his uncle put him through in his studies. Ouma walked alongside him, grinning as he gazed up at Saihara.

"You sure that you're uncle is okay with me coming to your house?" Ouma asked. The last thing the shorter male wanted was Shuichi getting in trouble because of his own actions. The two had decided to plan the first few days of their break at Saihara's house, with a variety of activities the two had in mind.

"Ah, I'm pretty sure. He's on a trip to investigate a case for the entire week, so he's out of town at the moment." Saihara paused as he glanced at the other.

"The entire week? And with Christmas in a few days? Damn, you're uncle is devoted! I could never do that!" Ouma exclaimed but with not as much energy as Saihara had anticipated. Still, his eyes glimmered with amazement as the shorter boy skipped across the pavement in front of the taller one. Ouma turned around while walking backward as he listened to Saihara's response.

"Haha, I guess you could say that. I don't think I would be able to accomplish such an amazing feat." Saihara nervously raised an arm to scratch his neck as he let out a breathless laugh, watching Ouma.

Ouma nodded without saying much, with left Saihara concerned. Ouma wasn't as energetic as he usually was, he would usually make some kind of joke in every conversation, whether it was a good one or not. "Are you okay?" Saihara asked, tilting his body to peer at Ouma's face.

"Oh, me? Yeah!" He sounded confident in what he said, maybe Saihara was just overthinking it like he usually was? "So what're we gonna do at your house?" Ouma asked, trying to avoid the question of his own well-being.

"Ah, I'm not really sure. I'm okay with whatever you'd like." Saihara managed a nervous smile at the smaller boy. By this point the two boys had arrived at Saihara's house. The detective unlocked the door and they both walked in.

Almost immediately the supreme leader gasped. "Your house is so huge!" he exclaimed in surprise.

Saihara let out a nervous laugh. "Haha, I guess. T-Thanks."

The two walked farther into the house and into the living room area. "Where's your Christmas tree?" Ouma asked. "Is is in another room or something?"

"C-Christmas tree?" Saihara stammered. "I guess my uncle forgot about putting it up this year. And I didn't really notice myself."

"What!? No way! You wanna put it up now maybe?" Ouma asked excitedly.

Saihara shook his head. "Why, you're that excited? I just... think it's too much."

Ouma groaned. "Fiiiiiiine..."

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom. There's some snacks left in the fridge and pantry. Uh, I guess you can take what you like." Saihara pointed to the kitchen as he started to walk away.

"Oh, okay! Thanks!" Ouma grinned.

"No...No problem." With that Saihara left to the bathroom. Instead of getting something to eat, Ouma left to downstairs to the supply closet. There he found the Christmas tree Saihara's uncle owned and stared at it for a moment. Ouma didn't care what Saihara said, it was Christmas and he was going to put up the tree! Still, the tree was pretty huge... Ouma wasn't sure if he was able to haul it upstairs. The idea altogether seemed unlikely, but that wasn't enough to stop Ouma. He slowly made his way upstairs carrying the large tree.

"So, would they put it here..?" Ouma asked to himself as he eventually managed to heave the tree to the ground floor. He found an empty space in a corner and figured it would be the most practical spot. Ouma looked at the tree for a moment, immediately realising there was no ornaments or star. He quickly scurried back downstairs to look for them, only to find ornaments but no star. As Ouma came back upstairs with the box of ornaments, he noticed Saihara had already left the bathroom. The dark-haired male was glancing at the undecorated Christmas tree in his house.

"Did you really need to this?" Saihara muttered as he let out an exaggerated sigh through his teeth.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do to me, huh?" Ouma chided. "Kick me out?" He smirked at the taller boy, only resulting in a longer groan.

"I told you not to, but, of course you're not going to listen to anyone..." Saihara laughed lightly, smiling at Ouma.

Together, the two started to put ornaments on the tree. Ouma strayed closer to the bottom area, and Saihara put the ornaments near the top. It was a silent task, neither of them knowing what to exactly say to each other. Saihara looked for the star to put up on the top of the tree, only to find there was no star like Ouma had already known. "Oh, right. We don't have a star," Saihara stated in disappointment.

"Why didn't you ever buy one? A tree isn't complete without a star!" Ouma complained, his whining reminding Saihara of that of a small child. Saihara smiles a bit thinking that before he responded.

"Well, the tree fell down last year and our star cracked. I guess my uncle never found the time to buy a new one," Saihara explained.

"Didn't have the time, huh? I hate that!" Ouma exclaimed, his voice getting increasing louder in volume.

Saihara looked at Ouma, not understanding why he had seemed so angry. Did Ouma not like his uncle? Understandable, but the guy had never met him. "W-What do you mean..?" Saihara stammered in confusion.

"The fact that there seems to be less time the older you get!" Ouma said. "I'm not mad at you, if that's what you thought, Saihara-chan." Before Saihara could get in a reply, Ouma shot a grin at the detective.

"S-Speaking of time, I think it'll be fine to just eliminate the star altogether. It's a waste of time to try to go looking for one, anyway," Saihara spoke.

"What? No way!" Ouma said, apparently astonished. "Just a sec!" He ran into Saihara's bedroom, Saihara trailing behind him.

"Why are you going in my room? It's so m—"

Saihara didn't continue as Ouma locked the door behind him. The detective couldn't believe it, what if Ouma found something private of his? Of course Saihara didn't think the two would spend majority of their time in his bedroom, so Saihara didn't go through the extra work to clean up. Why would he do that, though? What did Ouma think he was going to find? Saihara tried the door just to confirm the fact that it was locked.

Grumbling furiously, Saihara waited until Ouma finally left the room with something in his hand. The detective's eyes widened as he realised what exactly Ouma was clutching as the smaller boy gave him a devilish grin.

"No way in hell are you having that as the star!" Saihara yelled, but Ouma had already started to sprint to the tree. Saihara started to run after him.

"I think it'll make the perfect star, nishishi," Ouma laughed. Before he could put it on the tree, Saihara quickly tackled the smaller boy. Ouma hit the carpet, giggling as he hid the so called "star" away from Saihara. Ouma was on the floor, Saihara's face right above him.

"Ooh, look what we have here! I didn't know you were into things like these, Saihara!" Ouma continued to laugh as he teased the detective. Saihara looked back at Ouma and the it was then when he realised he had fucked up. Saihara was practically sitting on top of Ouma's thighs. His cheeks flushed red as he quickly got up in a hurry. Did he mean to do that!?

"S-Stop!" Saihara said, trying to sound angry but he started laughing and he couldn't help it. "God, I can never seem to be mad at you."

to be continued...

finally, done! happy new year! hope that 2019 goes better then others think

there will be a part 2 btw!

also, sorry if it seems like i'm delaying the arrival of the actual next chapter with all these specials and stuff, I just need to plan out a good ending

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