8- Spaghetti and Stargazing

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Ouma's POV:
"Rise and shine, ursine!" I hear as the morning announcement starts up. The Monokubs start announcing that everyone needs to get up.

"By the way, Father's time limit expires at 10 p.m. tomorrow night!" Monotaro says.

Oh, right. The time limit. I had so much fun yesterday I nearly forgot about it. But I don't want to worry about it. Feeling that sense of excitement when I was talking with them... like normal teenagers... felt so amazing. I don't know, but maybe I'll be able to do it today.

"So long! Bear well!" the Monokubs exclaim as the monitor flicks off.

After that, I get dressed, which is when I come across Saihara's hat. Maybe I should wear it today...? I'd love to see his reaction. Saihara... why do I feel this way about him? He's just a normal guy... I tell myself. But he isn't. He's the Ultimate Detective. He never seems like one, though. But why?

Without a second thought, I put his hat on and head to the dining hall. "Hey guys!" I say when I get there. Everyone's already there except Kaede and Korekiyo."You like my emo hat? Kokichi said it was kind of dumb... but I mean since he's kind of a dumbass I didn't listen to him, y'know?"

"Where'd you get my hat?" Saihara demands.

"Where else? Your room, of course," I laugh.

"Huh? But... how'd you-" Saihara stops, thinking for a second. "Oh."

After that, we all sit in the dining hall and eat breakfast. I plop down next Saihara and ask, "Want a quickie?"

"H-Huh? What'd you say?"

"You know, those sweet-tart like thingies."

"That's... Isn't that a quiche?"

"Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep, right. Kirumi, could you please make us a quickie- I mean quiche?" I call to Kirumi, who was walking out of the kitchen area.

"Any request you say will be fulfilled," she announces as she leaves back into the kitchen to prepare.

"I never said yes, you know..." Saihara mumbles.

"Let's pretend you did."

"Are you sure that's even breakfast food?"

"Anything can be breakfast food if you want it to," I reply.

"I-I... I guess I can't argue with that."

Kirumi makes us a quiche. For some reason, she only gave us one. Was that on purpose? "Alrighty, let's eat!" I exclaim.

"But there's only one quiche..." Saihara stammers.

"Does that really matter?" I ask, looking at Shuichi straight in the eyes. "Does it?"

"I... I guess that doesn't matter..." he says after about five seconds. "Let's eat, I guess."

I can't believe I actually convinced him. "Alrighty then!" I exclaim as I start eating. I had originally thought it would be half and half, but most of the time, Saihara was stabbing it mindlessly and eating very little. He only ate a fourth of the food.

"C'mon, are you really going to eat that little?" I say, stopping once I finish my half. I lower my voice so no one hears the next part. "That's not healthy for you."

"I-It's fine... I usually don't actually eat breakfast here," Saihara responds.

"You what?! How do you resist the Ultimate Maid's delicacies?" I ask in horror. I want to help him, but he doesn't let me.

"It's fine... You don't need to worry..." he mutters. "I don't get very hungry easily..." With that he leaves the dining area and probably back to his room, leaving me the rest of the quiche and the other people in the dining hall, which was Maki, Kaito, Gonta, Tenko, Tsumugi, and Angie. Great. I dislike almost all of them.

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