10- Investigation START!

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Ouma's POV:
Avocado boi is dead.

There was no mistaking it. I knew this was going to happen, so why do I feel... sad about it?!

Ding dong dong ding!

"What?" Saihara asks to no one in particular. Everyone looks at the monitor.

"A body has been discovered!" Monokuma exclaims. As if we didn't know that already..."Everyone, please gather in the library!" Then the monitor shut off again, leaving everyone confused. Suddenly Monokuma appeared again, but this time in person, right next to Rantaro's body.

"What a relief! A murder took place before the time limit ran out!" Monokuma announced in his high-pitched voice.

"H-Huh? But how?" Kaede must have really thought Rantaro was the mastermind, because she thought her plan had succeeded.

"I gotta admit, I was a bit nervous. Geez... you guys really know how to keep me in suspense," Monokuma continues.

"H-How? The mastermind controlling you is..."

"Mastermind? You think it was Rantaro? Ahh... what an imagination! Of course it's wrong!"


"If the mastermind was killed, then the killing game would be over." So he acknowledges the fact there is a mastermind. "The victim was Rantaro Amami, the Ultimate 'Who Cares?' Nothing more, nothing less."

Soon, everyone else comes in after hearing the announcement.

"Kyahhhhh!" Tsumugi yells in terror. She must be scared of dead bodies or something.

"That's Rantaro? I thought th-that was a pile of dirty rags!" Miu cries out.

"Anyway... since there's the motive of the First Blood Perk, there will be no class trial!" Monokuma exclaims. "So, if you're the blackened who killed Rantaro, raise your hand!"

"The one who... killed Rantaro?" Tsumugi wonders.

Everyone looks around at each other, but no one raises their hand.

"I bet a degenerate male killed him!"

"How you know boy do it?"

"I just know, okay? Violent crimes are almost always committed by disgusting men!"

"Tch... that dumbass! How dare he go get himself killed!" Kaito mutters.

Eventually, even the Monokubs come, but no one raises their hands. They have the opportunity to leave the school, but they're not taking it. I bet it's because the killer is the mastermind! They don't need to escape, because they're the ones behind all this!

I'm surprised no one raised their hand even if they didn't do it. That way, they could get out for free. For a second, I consider raising my hand, but I didn't want to take the risk of getting myself killed because I lied about being the killer.

"Puhuhu... It seems like the blackened would rather have a class trial!" Monokuma concludes. "Very well, then. I will give the blackened what they want and hold a class trial!"

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