21. The Last Battle (1)

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The Hollow place was a scary things. No one, even the powerful vampires wouldn't allow to go in there. It was dangerous. No one comes out alive. No one knows whats going to happen at the end. Would they be able to defend the man? Will they die or will they survive? Even though the vampires are scared, they didn't show any of the emotions. They threw out all of their emotions away. Only one thing in the mind: which was to take Chorong back.
"Are we there yet?" A vampire who clearly seems like he was sleepy asked. No one answers him though. He groaned and slumped down the ground. Others stopped to sit down and rests.
"Get up. We don't have all day. We need to hurry." Luhan scolded them but he couldn't blame them. It would take them three days to get to Hollow but they couldn't waste any more times.
"Luhan, take it easy. She's going to be okay." Kris reassured him but he just glared at him.
"No...we don't know what that man could do to her." He shook his head fiercely then added, "you guys rest, I'm going to keep going."
"NO! That's too dangerous!" Baekhyun jumped up and protested, clinging onto Luhan's arm but he brushed him off.
"Let. Go. You can't order me around. You're the servant." Luhan said sternly but he didn't mean to hurts Baekhyun feelings...if he have one.
"I-I know but still..."
"No. You guys can't stop me." With that being said, he sprints away from the others. Kris sighed and punched the tree nearby, causing the birds to flew away. Some winced and others just didn't care.
"You got ten minutes of break then we'll continue." Everyone nodded. Ten minutes was enough to restore their energy. The energy keep going n maybe, the energy to actually fight.
*Hollow Place*
Chorong muffled and tried to wiggle her way out of the rope. The man just laughed at her hopelessness. She was afraid of him but hatred for him was more.
She muffled some sounds. The man tsked and went back to sharpening his tools. He was clearly enjoying her being in pain.
She gave up as unconscious takes over her. She was too tired. Tired of everything. She just waned everything to be back normal. To live her own happy life with her mom. She wish....everything could go back.
"CHORONG!" She heard a screamed calling her name but maybe that was also a dream. A dream where Luhan was holding her and telling her everything will be fine. That's she safe and that he will protect her. That he will always love her....

*Author's Note Here*

I have been enjoying writing this fanfic but it's coming to an ends soon. Maybe about 3-4 more chapters. I just wanted to tell you guys how I appreciate you guys reading it. When I first wrote it, it was cuz I have nothing else to do and to just get out of from real world. Ahh~~~~ sorry about not updating soon enough. Ever since school started, I have been so busy. I got tight schedules and there are just more and more works come piling in my hands. So...once again, mianhae!!!! Sorry Lovelies!! <3 See ya in the next chapter!!

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