08. Ambush

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Sorry for the late update!! >^< /bows/ During my Spring Break, I didn't thought that I was that busy but yeah. And I have projects due in two days and ugh....>< even my brother is taking advantage of me to do his school works. /sighs/ but here it is: Enjoy~~~
"Hey, wake up sleepy head." Chorong yawns while rubbing her eyes and look at the person who just woke her up. She look around the area and found herself in her own bedroom.
"What are you doing here?" She asked Kyungsoo, who was just staring at her nonstop.
"Ahh...hmmm....Lu-Mr. Park wants to see you so yeah." He rubs his nape and then pull Chorong out off her bed. The hallway was empty, just the two of them. She sighs and think of her mother. I miss Eomma, she said in her head.
"Hey...don't worry, you will see your mom soon." Kyungsoo spoke up, smiling at her and led her to Mr. Park's office.
"How did he even know?" Chorong asked herself and walked in the room with Kyungsoo.
When she got inside, the room was HUGE and was neatly decorated. It was beautiful. Chorong was mesmerized by the scene that she didn't hear the footstep.
"Ahem...Sweetie?" Mr. Park clear his throat, which snap Chorong back to reality. She look at Mr. Park and the men beside him. Some of them was smiling at her and some were smirkings.
"Chorong, I call you here because I want to introduced you to someone AND they are going to look after you, understand?" Mr. Park spoke up while introducing her to Kris, Suho, Tao, Sehun, Xiumin, Chen, Lay, and of course Luhan.
"When can I go visit Eomma?" Chorong blurted out and the others just chuckles slightly to themselves.
"Chorong....the thing is....you can't see your mom. It's too dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt. Do you understand?" Mr. Park stated in a serious tone then push all of them out of his room.
"AISH....nice one human." Luhan smirks and laughs while walking back to his room with his friends. Chorong sighs and went outside the school building.
"Why can't I go anyway? I can protect myself." She mumbled to herself and kick the rocks.
Before she realized where she was going, she heard a rusting noise. Chorong look around, feeling scared. Oh, I can't died now! She yell in her mind while actually screaming very loud causing the thing to knock her out.
"If you were quiet, I wouldn't have to do that to you. But don't worry, nothing will happen to you." The person smirks and put Chorong on a bag then carry her off to somewhere.
While on the other side, Luhan was feeling uneasy and his heart keep pounding hard. What is this? He asked himself but couldn't find any answer to it.
"WE JUST HEARD A SCREAM FROM OUT THE SCHOOL GARDEN!" Someone scream loudly in the hallway, causing the boys to look what had happened.
Aish....Luhan cursed under his breath and quickly dash to where the garden is. Please...don't harm her.

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