Fire and Air

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Althea and Talon where in a stand off. There were more shots firing, so Althea put up her shield around them.

The bullets stopped mid air, she had managed to catch them by changing the wind resistance.

"Nice work kid," Talon smirked, sending a ring of fire around them, which I launched the bullets backwards, flying into other buildings, and those that were shooting back.

A bunch of them began to run, jumping onto the same building as the two girls.

Althea's small smile at Talons comment falters looking at out out numbered they were. There was a pit of nerves in her stomach, but she took a fighting stance.

She focused on one soldier, hoisting him up into the air and throwing him at others. They all started going down very easily.

The fight was in their favor. Evo powers are just as strong, and if not more powerful than traditional weapons.

This is probably why people feared them and why they were always under attack.

The more the girls knocked off, the more that came. It was like a neverending flow of soldiors. Althea knew that they were strong, but how long can they keep this up for?

While she focues on stopping bullets from one soldier, but then felt herself her hit in the back.

"Argh!" She cried out, falling to her hands and knees, as people began to grab her.

Large hands grabbed her arms, locking her from moving anywhere, pinning her down.

"You are under arrest!" Someone screamed into her ear, as she cried out.

That's when then the noise started. This high pitched screech that filled her ears, causing her to drop her head in agony.

She tried covering her ears, but that didn't help, not in the slightest. There were tears in her eyes but she couldn't tell if she was screaming or if it was the noise in her head.


Talon wasn't doing much better.

She watched as Althea went down, betting knocked by a soldier. "Shit!" She mumbled, realising that it was just going to be her on her on, as it always was.

Then the noise started. An ear piercing screech, like nails on a chalk board ripped at her ears.

The flames on her arms began to go out, and she was struggling to ignite them. "Aarrggghhhh!" She continued to scream and fight.

She began to stand upwards, slowly fighting back...but it didn't work. She fell back down.

Talon P.O.V

No, no, no, NO!

Not this! Not now!!

It hurts so much.

It's like there's nails on a chalk board clawing in the back of my head.

I let a roar escape my lips, feeling my fire demon try to escape me. I could let her out, and she's reek havoc here.

She'd turn all of these assholes upside down and burn them from the inside out.

But holy shit. It hurts.

I managed to catch a glimpse of that girl - whatever her name was. Her head was pressed hard into the ground, and her hands covered her ears.

She was taking it worse than I was.

I tried to stand up again, but I only fell back to my knees.

"It's resisting!" Someone shouted, so they left the girl, and she just collapsed on the ground in a mess.

They stopped using the gun on me for a moment and I felt my strength regain. I rose up, fire burning on my arms, ready to strike again.

But I couldn't. They used the second gun on me too, and fuck it hurt.

It felt like my brain was going to melt outside the ear. I screamed, wanting any sort of fire to leave my body, but nothing.

I don't think I can do this for much longer...

It's Our Time 2 (Shine) - A Heroes Reborn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now