No matter how your heart is dreaming

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I sit up in a panic, what the hell did I just hear? was it real?

It sounded like Jo and Luke, but not couldn't be!

My eyes dart from place to place around the park, scanning every nook and cranny that someone could hid in, yet there was nothing.

they don't seem anywhere near me, so it couldn't have been my subconscious hearing their conversation then taking it into my dream. Plus, if they were standing next to us, I think we'd be dead already.

There was something else to it, something that I can't put my finger on. It must have been early in the morning, because it doesn't look like the sun had come up properly yet, as the sky is only starting to change colour.

April was sleeping soundly on the bench, I on the other hand, was sitting on the ground, using the bench as a head rest.

I don't think I can go back to sleep now though. I mean how could I? Random dreams like that don't just happen, and a lot of them don't make much sense, well that's from my personal experience anyway.

Though, I am kinda hungry right now, so what should I eat? I'm thinking strawberries. That sounds good right about now.

A green glow appears from my hand as I wave it over a patch of grass, and almost instantaneously a small strawberry bush appears.
With at least 10 ripe strawberries ready to be eaten.

That's absolutely perfect, just what I needed. I gnaw on strawberries for a few minutes when I was kicked back into reality, literally.

"Ow!" I grumble, looking at the bench which held April, "Dude, what the hell?"

But, glancing at the blonde girl on bench, her eyes were shut...she was still sleeping, but not very soundly.

She would randomly twitch. Sometimes it would be her small fingers, sometimes her entire hand, and sometimes her foot.

So I'm gonna guess that is why she kicked me. "April," I say giving her a slight poke. Though, rather than waking up, she recoiled by yet another twitch, "come on, this isn't funny." I say giving her small shake this time.

Yet still nothing, I can't help but wonder what was going through her head right now.

April P.O.V

My eyes surely couldn't be playing ticks on me, could they? It could all be a horrible deception, all a horrible dream. A dream it was as I remember falling asleep on the bench, right next to Elle.

But it was too realistic for a dream. Their actions were fluid, not randomly cut like regular dream. I could notice everything,
From their slight sweat on their forehead to small marks of dos colour on their skin.

I watched on as a girl, dressed in pink and black, and Asian features stormed through the corridor and burst into a room. There were a few people in the room, and I actually remember this room, and the general atmosphere of this place.

I seem to visit this place often, it was the small civilisation that they built after the HELE. Though, I've never actually been inside of it.

But there was a boy, short golden brown hair, accompanied by a girl, with longer and darker hair. If my eyes aren't deceiving me, I could say that was Elle, standing next to Tommy, but someone on the corner of the room, had their gun trained on them, as of to say if they took one step out of line, there's be a warning bullet, right in their heads.

But a flash of light changed the scene, it was hard to make out the specifics, but standing there, were five girls, each flowing a different colour. One was blue, the next green, then white, then red, and the final had the four colours combined.

I didn't know who these people were, but I do have the feeling that they were going to help up save the world.


It's Our Time 2 (Shine) - A Heroes Reborn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now