You are not alone

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Elle P.O.V

I thought about our situation for a long time last night. I probably went to sleep after midnight, which is pretty good, considering I woke up at 8. It's the longest and best sleep I've had for the past few days.

It's just been a lot to take in.

April's been handling this so well, she seems to trust these people, and is willing to do what they ask. But why aren't I? Why am I so hesitant to do this?

I could just go home, and hide away with April, and not get dragged into this big mess which could result in possible injury or even death.

But, I know April and I know that she would back down from this. Normally, I would be the same...its just everything has changed.

I feel like I'm closing myself off...and it's scaring me.

you know what, now that I think about it...we've gotten through it all. Danger or not, April and I have always pulled through.

We've gotten through this together. Always.

We're stronger together, and that's always been the case. I just haven't been able to properly admit that there.

Well that settles it...I'm going with her.

April P.O.V

I woke up early this morning. On my dresser, a pair of denim jeans were laying there, with a single off the shoulder dark blue shirt and a similar coloured singlet for underneath.

It was just my size too. I wonder if Cookie has anything to do with it? Him and his 'intuition' I would guess.

It's only 7:45 this morning, and Elle was still sleeping peacefully. Which I'm glad for, but I think she'll be up soon.

I put them on, and head out into the dining hall where I heard voices coming from.

"They need to move out now. They are running out of time." A distinct Indian voice calls through the room...Farrah.

"I do understand Farrah, but just give them some more time." That was Angela, talking in our defence. I lean up against the wall, next to the open door, to make sure that I'm not seen.

"Malina needs to be trained. This needs to be happening now!" She exclaims, "look, I have the bags packed ready to go, clothes, money, extra food. All they need to take them and go," Farrah explains.

"But as of now, only Miss DeBelle wishes to go. Miss Winters shows some...resentment."

"Wether or not Elle goes is not my concern. As long as we have someone looking for the others, that's enough." Farrah states and you can hear the irritation in her voice. She wants it done, and there is so much urgency in her voice. "You said that the HELE would be occurring within the next four to five months. The Philippines is a big place. It could take such a long time to find her."

Four to five months...that's not much time. And as Farrah said, the Philippines is such a large place. It could take us a few months to search the entire place. Then the other girl is in a completely different country or continent! If I search with Elle, maybe we could find it faster, but I don't know yet.

"Elle will go with April. I know it. The two will do ya proud." That was Cookie.

This is where I make myself known, "I'm going to search for her." I say stepping out from behind the was, "Regardless whether Elle comes with me or not."

Though, I know that she will. Based on my gut feelings and Cookies' Intuition, I know Elle will join me.

It's Our Time 2 (Shine) - A Heroes Reborn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now