Strength of a coursing river

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With closed eyes, April rose her right hand and the storm obeyed, pouring heavy rain down in line with our house...or what was left burning of it anyway.

The smell of charcoal filled the air, that mixed with dangerous amounts of smoke, and small flying embers too.

The fire brigade showed up only minutes after the house exploded, and I'm just glad it didn't spread to Mrs Potts house, the poor thing. She must be terrified right now.

The fire began to dim, with the help of April's water powers an the fire brigade too, and within an hour everything was put out.

The two of us were exhausted, weary from fatigue, tired form the lack of sleep, light headed from the smoke what we in healed, so was just sat there under the tree, hand in hand so that the fire brigade didn't see us.

In that hour, we discussed that it was probably best that the world assumed that April De'Belle and Roselle Winters had died.

That way, Jo, Luke and Chucky will stop searching for us, and we can start again...sort of.

We'll find a new place, change up our style maybe, make it hard to recognise us.

My sister left me her small fortune, and I remember where I stashed money at my old house. Maybe we could go searching there? Get out of this town, that way, we can nearly disappear.

The fire men began to walk through what was left of our house,  probably looking for survivors, too bad they won't find any.

It's horrible to think that those men will have to live with the guilt that they couldn't save two lives. I really hope they don't dwell on it too long.

"Elle," April whispers almost alseep, "we should leave." She was right. There was no use staying around here anymore, it would only bring back sad thoughts, and sadder memories.

I tug at her hand and help her to her feet, she seemed fine to walk, but I'm being the over protective big brother. And yes, I said brother, don't you guys say anything about how I'm meant to the best friend/sister. I'm even better, I may as well be a dude wrapped in the package of a woman, or so I've been told. But I think that's about right.

One thing I was thankful for, was the close line out the back. My black jumper and Elle's dark blue one were there, along with an array of underwear, shorts and shirts. I shoved them all into my bag.

April and I walk to the park, and sit in the bench, illuminated by the single path light next to us.

We both felt the sleepiness, it began to over come us, and April was asleep first. I don't blame her, that fire quite literally drained her, but every time I drift off, I have weird dreams.

I can't normally see anybody, slot of the time it's just people's voices I can hear, but they can be distorted and strange, and I feel like I know them, as if I had hear them before, but it is hard to be sure.

But not only that, I kept dreaming of the night of the fire, the one that killed my mum, and how it seemed to make its way into my dream that  night. Kinda like a warning, unless I'm overthinking everything.

I try giving sleep one more go, it's nearly morning anyways, so might as well get half an hour of sleep right?

"Finally, after so much searching, we got 'em." A voice calls the darkness, by the way it sounds, I'm guessing it was female and British. "It feels so good."

A sigh could be heard, "it sure does." This was males, you could almost her the flat tone, as if he was hesitant against it, but the other didn't seem to care.

"But we can't stop now! There are so much more out there, we need to get revenge for him!" She shouts, an insane tone present in her voice. "For Dennis!"

It's Our Time 2 (Shine) - A Heroes Reborn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now