Once Upon a Dream

97 3 13

April P.O.V

I started feeling dizzy as soon as I entered the room. My head started to spin and flashes of purple, silver and the green from Elle entered my vision.

And I wasn't too sure what happened next, just a lot of echoed voices, whose words I couldn't make out. They faded in and out, indistinguishable, so it was hard for me to tell.

Black clouded my vision, depriving my sight of any colour, until I stared into nothing but the pitch black darkness of what seemed to be an abyss.

Any sounds I heard, or at least thought I heard, became muffled and more inaudible until I could no longer hear any of them.

But, it began to change.

The darkness began to swirl, making patterns with added white and grey, which then formed into a picture.

Greens and blues entered my vision, swirling into the shape of a tree. My head rested on one of the roots, as I looked up at the small patches of blue sky peering through.

Then, small sounds began playing, and out of it, a melodic line began to flood my ears. The melody was simple and beautiful. It sounded as if it came straight from a music box.

I was still lying on the ground, my limbs basically frozen, restricting my movements to the twitch of my finders and the tilt of my head.

I strained my eyes to see above me, eyes scanning the trunk and branches. And that's when I saw the symbol again. That spiral shape, carved into a tree along the trunk.

It was the same one I saw in my dream last time. So I had to be related to the air child. But, where was she? If I was here, shouldn't I be able to see her as well?

A black blur flew into my vision, testing itself in the tree branch above me. I narrowed my eyes at it, and realised it was a crow. Jet black feathers and beak and deep brown eyes.

"Diablo?" I hear a echoed voice call in the distance, yet no sign of a person, well that I could see anyway.

Diablo? Who's Diablo?

The crow clawed, turning its head around, looking at where the voice came from.

I did the same, struggling to turn my head to the side, and the first thing I saw was a blurred out purple patch, with a small bit of white and blue on it too.

"Diablo! There you are my baby boy." The purple blue moves towards the black crow who caws at her with happiness. "It's good to see you too boy, but I've got two new people id like you to meet." I turn my head to look at the oncoming footsteps, but I couldn't see them. The darkness began to swirl around them, which began to spread to the rest of the picture.

The only thing left was that melody, and I recognised the melody. I didn't at first, but now, I do.

It was the music box version of Once Upon a Dream...


Everything blurred as I sat up with a deep breath. I felt like it hand taken so much energy out of me, so I was panting.

I was sat upon something soft, a bed, and to my left, asleep in the chair was Elle. Her head draped to one side, letting her long brown hair cascade like a waterfall. Here eyes were shut tight, probably in a deep sleep, but that doesn't matter how.

I think I just had been able to work out where the Air Child is.

I move to my bag, rummaging through the to find the map we had picked up earlier, "where are...ahah!"

I grasp the paper in my fingers and pull it out, spreading it over the bed. The moon light shone through, leaving me no need to turn on a light.  running my finger over each place, I purse my tighter each time I didn't get what I was looking for.

But I found it.


SheenaRee I'm expecting you to know where this is. I wonder who else can?

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