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"Here you go, miss." A shop owner said kindly as he handed a lovely black haired woman in a pink kimono a bag of groceries.

The woman's green eyes looked up from her book and she smiled, "Thank you." She took the bag and waved at the shop owner as she left the building. (I hate this place ... everyone is so fake. I can't wait to get back to the village in the Caves.) She went back to the hotel she was staying at, but as the day went on she noticed something odd.

"Why are there so many people out when it's late afternoon?" She pondered curiously. It was especially strange because all the other days she has been in this town things were nowhere near as busy. Curiosity set in so she flicked her room lights off, closed the curtains and created a clone to take her place. In the dark room she changed into dark black clothes with a solid black mask and leapt stealthily out the window to follow a group of civilians carrying lit torches ...

(I can just hear the old crohn's voice, 'You should know better than to poke around a ninja village, Jade. We aren't foolish attention seeking ninjas like they are in other villages.' ...this is very strange- ... is that a little girl?!) The woman known as Jade was horrified to see a man dragging a crying naked five year old girl by her blonde hair out into the middle of the crowd. (What are they doing?) A sinking feeling in her stomach became stronger as the people made a circle around the frightened girl. Some people even pulled out cameras.

One woman stepped towards the little girl with a cruel smile, "We have something special plan for you demon. You will suffer for murdering our loved ones."

The little girl whimpered in fear, "I-I didn't hurt anyone-" Jade snarled from behind her black mask as the woman brutally smacked the little girl leaving a gash across the cute whisker marks on the child's cheeks. The Cave ninja clenched her teeth as she watched the girl clutch her now bleeding cheek.

"You're a lying demon bitch! You slaughtered hundreds and our beloved Fourth hokage was one of them!" yelled the woman and several people cheered. A few even threw rocks, one of which nailed the poor girl on the head making blood trickle down her hair.

Jade raised an eyebrow at the insanely ridiculous accusation (What the hell is wrong with these people? ... The fourth hokage died fighting the nine tailed fox so maybe ... oh on, she's the demon's vessel, but this is terrible! Why isn't someone helping her? The ninjas aren't really just going to stand by are they? ... there are no ninjas here! Why?) the foreign ninja extended her senses and was stunned to find the lack of any chakra signatures anywhere close by. That didn't make any sense to Jade. Surely someone would notice a big crowd of noisy people carrying torches in the evening light!

"We know what you are, demon, and you will pay for your sins ... gentlemen, teach this vile demon a lesson." The cruel woman stepped back towards the circle of people and four men stepped in ... and much to Jade's disgust they started unzipping their pants as another two people held the screaming girl down on the ground with her legs apart.

(I can't let this happen.) Jade flipped through a set of hand signs and whispered, "Cave Dweller's Cloak."

The effect was instant. A blanket of pure impenetrable darkness encased the area throwing all the civilians into panic as all their vision was removed. Jade made two more hand signs and tapped her temples... her eyes changed from green to yellow with slits for pupils and suddenly she could see clearly, but it was like looking around a black and white movie. She gracefully stepped towards the young crying girl. The child flinched in fear as she felt something touch her shoulder.

"It's ok, little one. I don't want to hurt you. If you want to leave this place for good, stand up and hold your arms up." said Jade. (If she agrees I'll take her, if not I can at least give these close minded idiots a scare, but this must be her choice ... I'm going to be in trouble.) The Cave ninja slid her leg out and tripped a person who was running around the darkness in a blind panic along with everyone else. It was the cruel woman who was apparently leading the bloodthirsty mob and now eating a face full of dirt.

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