Chapter 43

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"What in the world?" Gidget mumbled to herself. Sniffing the air, she followed Tiberius's scent through the many trees in the area. Unless the old hawk flew, there was no way he could disappear into thin air like that. He didn't even look like he could fly at the moment. Yet he had managed to vanish once again.

Tail drooping, Gidget sat down on the smooth surface of a nearby rock. Head hanging low, she sighed sadly. Lifting her gaze up towards what she could make out of the sky through the leafy treetops high above her head, the fluffy white Pomeranian knew the sun had sunk below the horizon. Night had covered the city.

"Guess I'll try tomorrow..." Gidget murmured under her breath. She quietly got down from the rock and was about to walk away when a small noise caught her attention. It sounded like a whimper. Turning around slowly, she saw a small entrance to a burrow underneath the large rock. The whimper sounded again from somewhere inside. Perplexed, Gidget decided to take the risk and she entered to come across a discovery...

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